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Corruption in the Supreme Rada Won’t Let It to Be Dissolved


In the Ukraine - new turn in the matter of dissolution of parliament. The constitutional court, judging from the deal of forces in it, either will take a decision on illegality of the decree of the president Jushchenko about dissolution of the Supreme Rada or will not take any decision in general. In the meantime fractions of "Our Ukraine" numbering 77 deputies and BJT (125 deputies) took a decision to divest themselves of authority and thus to deprive 450-mandatory Rada with legitimacy. "If there will be no two third of People's Deputies in the Supreme Rada, according to the 82-nd clause of the Constitution the parliament is not legitimate. Under any circumstances this corrupt Supreme Rada will not exist any longer", - Julia Timoshenko declared in particular. And today deputies of fractions "Our Ukraine" and Julia Timoshenko's block in the Supreme Rada divested themselves of authority aiming to make parliament illegitimate.

If 150 People's Deputies from opposition will divest themselves of authority, the Central Electoral Commission has the full right to register next under service records candidates from Julia Timoshenko's Block and "Our Ukraine". Such opinion in interview to journalists was stated by people's deputy, member of parliamentary fraction from Party of Regions Vladimir Makeenko making comments on the announcement of opposition about readiness of People's deputies to divest themselves deputy authority, - correspondent of IA REGNUM in Kiev informs.

The deputy expressed an opinion that those plans were unreal: if opposition would make such step, representatives of parliamentary coalition would address the Constitutional Court of the Ukraine with the request to give a conclusion concerning such a decision. "It is another hysterics, a psychological course", - Makeenko is convinced. Besides he stated that he knew mentality of some of People's Deputies - members of Timoshenko's Block: "They won't dare to sign such a document. More likely, Juschenko will withdraw the Decree about dissolution of the parliament, than they sign such a declaration", - the chairman of Party of Regions underlined.

It looks like that it's really so - only 90 % of deputies in Timoshenko's Block know about an application about their leaving the fraction which they were likely to write on Wednesday. Thus the member of fraction "Our Ukraine" Anatoly Matvienko noted that he had no information whether all the members of fraction were ready to divest deputy mandate.

Political scientist Vladimir Filin by phone from Kiev commented situation in the following way:

- Firstly, divestment of authority of the deputy of the Supreme Rada is not an application to leave, - V.Filin said, - other deputies should vote for it and it couldn't happen for the clear reasons. Secondly, I know some deputies from Timoshenko's fraction who have paid for their mandates one million dollars and they are very dissatisfied with the situation developed. People paid money not for an opportunity to participate in the politics but to have an opportunity to solve questions of their business in parliament. And, naturally, they won't divest any authority. That is the paradoxical way when general corruptness of the Ukrainian policy becomes the factor of parliament stability...

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