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Dmitrieva's Case. Children Are Free - Struggle Continues

Dmitrieva's Case. Children Are Free - Struggle Continues
А. Zimbovsky 01.06.2010

Мa! Don't open, it's police!

On May, 26th Alexandra and Nikita - children illegally taken away from independent journalist, active worker of the Revolutionary Workers' Party Galina Dmitrieva - were returned to their mother. Two-year-old Nikita, fortunately, did understand anything from what happened. 6-year-old Alexandra understood everything correctly and during first several hours after returning home hid behind a sofa at each knocking at the door shouting to mum: "Ma! Do not open, it's police!"

Small misunderstanding

We remind, children were taken away yesterday, on May, 25th. At first the whole delegation of gatecrashers from Autosavodsky Department of Internal Affairs of Tolyatti rushed into the house of Galina. Employee of Juvenile Department of Autosavodsky district Kozhevnikova M. А who headed it declared Dmitrieva that her children were subjected to withdrawal in connection with insanitary conditions in the house.

One of insanitary conditions proves was: "Children's things pulled out by children lay on the floor", another one: "Winter cloths are hung up in wardrobe not accurately, they are crumpled".

However, nobody cared a lot to hide that the real reason of "dolly-in" was activity on "AutoVaz" Dmitrieva carried out. Law enforcement officials openly told about it both to Jury Korotkov (the journalist together with Galina working on a theme of deliberate bankruptcy of "AutoVaz") and Dmitrieva. In any case, at first police officers threatened to take children away (generally such procedure is carried out on the basis of municipality decision and not following the oral order of some employee of Juvenile Department), then they agreed to get satisfied with the fact that Galina would go with them and write explanatory.

In militia Dmitrieva was kept without any explanation of reasons about 4 hours (she received no detention certificate either on May, 25th, or next day, on May, 26th). No, law enforcement officials didn't refuse directly to confirm the fact of detention, simply it happened so that either office did not work or the chief was in Office of Public Prosecutor, or there was nobody present in general.

While Galina sat in a corridor of 3rd branch of Autosavodsky Department of Internal Affairs, other "zondercommand" of law enforcement officials that time headed by employees of bodies of guardianship rushed into her room and took her children away asserting that they were neglected.

On May, 26th employees of bodies of guardianship deigned to explain to Galina that they did not take her children away, they simply "took care" of them as they received telephone message from corresponding bodies that she, Dmitrieva, was arrested (I underline, not detained but arrested). After "misunderstanding" was resolved, children were returned.

The first thing that Alexandra told: "Mum! Never give me to police!»

I am very grateful to all

It is clear that Galina Dmitrieva's children were taken away not by mistake (more precisely, not by this very reaon), as well as they were returned not owing to comprehension of this fact. Simply reaction of society to the next special-order act of "children-protectors" surpassed all their expectations. Active workers of trade unions, journalists, simply not indifferent people, not only from other cities but also from other countries persistently telephoned to Juvenile Department and militia.

"I am very grateful to all who called, who wrote, they returned children only thanks to it!" - Galina Dmitrieva says.

However, it's too early to celebrate full happy end of this story. "In bodies of guardianship I was told that my family would be registered, they would come, would find out ... Militia man on duty in militia station frankly informed that if I would be engaged in "AutoVaz" business - and certainly I would - there would be problems, - Dmitrieva informs, that attempt of capture of my children can be repeated, at that in the near future!"


Additional Information


Galina Dmitrieva 8-987-969-11-81

Yury Korotkov 8-987-977-38-94

Juvenile Department of Avtosavodsky district of Tolyatti 8 8482 370179

Department of Internal Affairs, Tolyatti - 8 8482 39-10-51

Bodies of guardianship of Avtosavodsky district, Tolyatti 8 8482 32-57-13

Moscow, Alexander Zimbovsky 8-916-737-10-33


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