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A Law about Legalization of Murder "Will Optimize" Social Budget

A Law about Legalization of Murder "Will Optimize" Social Budget

The Federation Council prepares the bill permissing euthanasia, i.e. artificial interruption of life of the patient "under medical prescription". At the moment the right of the patients to die voluntary is legally fixed in Holland, Belgium and Switzerland. Probably, Russia in the legal and ethical plan has already reached such heights that it will be also possible "to crackdown" patients if a society has no desire to nurse them.

As the initiator of creation of such bill, chairman of committee on social policy of Federation Council Valentine Petrenko informed mass-media, it's necessary to permit euthanasia in Russia "for unusual cases". According to Petrenko, the initiative about carrying out of euthanasia should proceed from the patient himself. Within two months, the chairman of committee on social policy of Federation Council of Russia said, it would be necessary to study the case record of the applicant and to check up whether the decision to die voluntary was not accepted under somebody's pressure. If during the time of studying of the application the patient won't change his decision, Petrenko informed, "he will be administered increased doze of analgesic to stop the work of his cord". 

- It's clear that in Russia, in conditions of full legal chaos even consideration of such a law should be regarded as instigation to massacre, - editor-in-chief pf FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - The law about legalized murder "under medical prescription" is offered to be accepted in the country where in a peace time about 100 thousand people go missing every year! Without any law about euthanasia tens thousand people are liquidated "to release" the habitation which has become madly expensive. Make a law - and there and then we will have mafia of "experts on euthanasia" and in a year in the country there will be no lonely old women. Average life expectancy of men in Russia is below retirement age - so, will we put to sleep "spare ones" as homeless cats? If we want to take an example from civilized countries - let's take it from Japan where on the contrary the medicine is adjusted on struggling for each patient, for each additional minute of his life, no matter how old and ailing he was. It's Japan that is the leader of in lifetime among developed countries. Though, it looks like, such a decision will be all the same accepted, as the matter is not of the termination of life under medical prescriptions but about legalized killing because of the social reasons. Also it doesn't look like truth that it was the senator herself who worked out such a law under own initiative - this question is being talked over for a long time, since the times of Gajdar being the prime-minister. And the question is about "optimization" of the social budget due to liquidation of "unpromising" citizens.
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