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According to the Vice-President of the USA a Threat of Nuclear Act of Terrorism on the American Territory Is “Highly Probable”


According to mass-media it was radical Shiite leader Muktada As-Sadr who made an order to leave the structure of puppet government of Iraq to six ministers from the movement. Such application he made as a protest action against arrest of leaders of Shiite militias during recent operation of invaders and puppets in Baghdad. Representatives of the movement of As-Sadr in the Iraq parliament informed that ministers would submit on Monday an official application on resignation. At the same time, three tens members of parliament - supporters of As-Sadr - continue to work in the Iraqi parliament.

Meanwhile, to the north from Baghdad the Iraq mojaheds brought down two fighting helicopters of the British occupational forces. Crews of helicopters were killed. Reiter referring to occupational command informs that that were the British helicopters and not the American ones as it was informed earlier. Thus invaders, wishing to keep the person, refuse to admit that fact that helicopters have been brought down by mojaheds. They declared that it's possible that "helicopters ran into each other".

Acts of terrorism continue in Iraq. So, not less than 18 people died as a result of the act of terrorism which took place on Sunday, April, 15th in the morning in capital of Iraq, informs AFP. Insurgents organized two explosions on the busy business street in southern part of Baghdad. One explosive was put into the car parked near the restaurant, the second was put into action by die-hard near the exit of the shopping center.

Iraq police failed to tell the exact number of wounded men having informed only that there were "few tens" of them. We shall remind that a day earlier, on Saturday, not less than 56 people died as a result of two acts of terrorism in Kerbela and Baghdad.

In the meantime, vice-president of the USA Richard Cheney on air of broadcasting company C-B-S informed that he every day read reports of the American investigation agency and that a threat of explosion of a nuclear charge by terrorists in one of cities of the USA is "highly probable".

Making comments on this application of Cheney on phone from Bishkek member of Editorial staff of FORUM.msk, the chapter of Turkish representation of the Center of research of conflicts of Institute of Problems of Globalization, political scientist Ruslan Saidov said: "There is no forcing intensity in the words of vice-president of the USA. He is saying quite real things. More than a year and a half ago I spoke and wrote that Iran had two nuclear explosive devices, produced from materials of not Iranian origin. In case of aggression of the USA against Iran I can't exclude that one of such devices could be exploded on the American territory or in one of the ports of the USA.

From the other side, the Americans searching for the reason for new large-scaled aggression in the region of the Near and Middle East could explode themselves or one of their European allies. Administration of Bush has enough cynicism for it. It was Bush's administration at the PR-support of an old agent of CIA Usam Ben Laden organized provocation on September, 11 of 2001 that let America occupied Afghanistan and Iraq illegally".
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