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"Vokzalskie" Rackets Widows of the Miners and It's Impossible to Do Anything about it?

"Vokzalskie" Rackets Widows of the Miners and It's Impossible to Do Anything about it?

The governor of Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev ordered to put protection to families of dead and suffered on mine "Raspadskaya". "The Siberian Business Portal" informs about it on May, 24th. One of the widows of miners addressed Tuleev for help. In her letter to the governor the woman said that three young men came to her house several days ago. They demanded to give them 500 thousand roubles from payment paid for the death of her husband. Otherwise racketeers promised to burn an apartment of the widow or to assault her 15-year-old daughter.


Criminals told to the woman that they were going to put "a tribute" on all families of dead and injured. The woman checked up their words having called another widow. That one confirmed that she was also visited by extortioners but refused to discuss current situation.


The woman addressed militia. There she was shown photos of members of criminal groupings and she succeeded in identifying of one of racketeers. The leader of local organized criminal group "Vokzalskie" Dmitry Shiryaev appeared to be one of them.


It's stated in the letter that "on May, 19th, 2010 at 8.00 p.m. three young men came to me. They declared to be roughly that I have to give them 500 thousand from the payment put to me for the death of my husband or otherwise will burn the apartment or my child will suffer. The also said that they had a list of addresses and surnames of all dead and suffered in explosion. They told me that I'm not alone and that all of us would pay. The same day I addressed in the local Department of Internal Affairs. After I told everything and described inspector characteristic features of young men, he showed me some photos where I identified one of those who came to me in the morning. Inspector told me that it's Dmitry Shiryaev who is the leader of local organized criminal group "Vokzalskie". Inspector refused to accept my statement, having explained it by the fact that it's large and powerful grouping which keeps at bay whole city for several years. Numerous murders, arsons, robberies, rapes are under the belt of this group. This criminal group is connected with the heads of the local Department of Internal Affairs and City administration and, therefore, it gets away with everything. Inspector advised to address to you since it's impossible to solve at a local level, he also asked not to mention his surname that he wouldn't have problems in future. After that I called up one of the widows whom I get acquainted with the day before. It was found out that in her absence the same people came to her house, intimidated her son and told to say the same they told me. She refused to tell anything else. After the death of the husband I remained with my 15-year-old daughter alone, we have nobody to help us, I am afraid to let the daughter go out, everything could happen to her".

Having received the letter of the widow, Aman Tuleev held a meeting devoted to the safety of suffered. Following the results of meeting the governor declared that the head of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Kemerovo region Alexander Elin should put one militiaman to each family of those who died or suffered. Besides, Tuleev ordered to find extortioners and to bring them to criminal liability.


  • - Strange situation, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed in the given occasion. - It's not that I have not believed that no sons of a bitch capable to racket widows can't be found in Kemerovo region, but it's strange that widow writes the letter with the request to protect her from racketeers not to militia but personally to the governor. So, only the governor ordered "to find and bring to trial"... It means that militia in Kemerovo works so well that it doesn't detain the criminals and protect citizens without direct instructions of the governor? Strong vertical, envious one! Not to mention that fact that we remember previous statements of Tuleev which, to put it mildly, are not known for truthfulness, for example, that collisions with OMON were organized by some "criminals", almost by some foreign special services. So, this story also looks like some local PR of one known person. The more till now there were in RuNet no messages about some terrible "Vokzalskie" being protected by the mayor of the city and the chief of the Department of Internal Affairs and Dmitry Shiryaev personally. By the way, for some reason the governor charges to the chief of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs to protect widows from gangsters being covered directly by his subordinate from the city Department of Internal Affairs. Why public prosecutor who should have been entrusted to investigate participation of specified persons to organized criminal group does not appear anywhere, especially if this group with impunity kills citizens and commits other terrible crimes directly within sight of "strong executive manager" Tuleev. That is the story should receive powerful continuation with imprisonment of the supreme officials of the region, shouldn't it? After all the situation is the following - everybody knows now that it's useless to address militia, "Vokzalskie" are being protected by the mayor and even the governor can only put the guards, no more. So, may be it's high time to ask "strong executive manager" to go away together with all his "vertical", invincible Shiryaev, "Vokzalskie" and other?
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