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Obviously, Timoshenko Will Be Imprisoned

Obviously, Timoshenko Will Be Imprisoned

Julia Timoshenko was invited to the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Ukraine on May, 12th at 10.00a.m. "Interfax" referring to press-service of BJUT informs. Timoshenko was called into the Main Investigations Directorate of the State Office of Public Prosecutor, press-service informed. It is informed that the State Office of Public Prosecutor intend to serve Timoshenko the decree about travel restrictions within the limits of criminal case investigation. It's no specified what case exactly is meant.

The company of the leader of the Ukrainian opposition Julia Timoshenko declare that the State Office of Public Prosecutor is going to bring against her criminal case before the court, radio "Freedom" informs.

For last months authorities repeatedly threatened the leader of opposition with criminal prosecution accusing her of corruption and no-purpose use of budgetary funds during management of the former government of the country.

On Tuesday the head of parliamentary fraction of party in power of regions Alexander Efremov declared that the scales of Timoshenko's financial crimes are such that she can be imprisoned by international tribunal. These words sounded in reply to Timoshenko's performance in the Supreme Rada.

- The prospect of opening of criminal case against Timoshenko and her environment is quite transparent, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. It was absolutely clear already next day after the failure on presidential elections - to place Julia Vladimirovna on trial is the most natural course of things, the more so there more than enough basis for it, it is not necessary to forge anything or to invent something. There's no legal defense for Timoshenko, she can be protected only politically raising the degree for power. Thus she pushes strongly Yanukovich to use legal mechanism of protection against her. The moods of the Ukrainian voter are such that most likely there she will not gather real protection in the near future. Political circles got overheated and tired. Julia Vladimirovna does not understand that it's not possible to live all the time "on breath", sometimes it is necessary to breathe out.


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