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Campaign Against Cashing in Money Has Begun - Its Heat Will Coincide with Elections into the State Duma


The chapter of Federal service on financial monitoring ascertained "sharp growth of number of credit organizations which specialize on granting of shadow financial services" and demanded to strengthen measures on struggle against this phenomenon. "We bring attention to the question that already this year there will appear a law according to which information on cashing in more than 600 thousand roubles will pass to our authorities", - Zubkov declared.

Experts unanimously approve that new system of tracking of operations is quite in the frameworks of the general tendency of toughening of the control over bank sphere. However, efficiency of this measure causes serious doubts in experts. By and large, the cause is not in banks but in services of financial supervision, bank analysts consider. It is difficult enough to imagine that they can cope with that volume of information which will rush on them. It is necessary not to change the rule but to raise efficiency of work according to present norms. According to the experts, the measure proposed doesn't have any sense even from the point of view of finding out of unwanted banks - supervisory authorities have all possibilities for it even at the present moment.

However the personal friend of the president would not start saying unmotivated things aloud. He is not the person. And the motivation, obviously, consists in arrival of mission of international organization Financial Action Task Force. In September-November experts of FATF will carry out the third round of estimation of system of struggle against washing up of criminal incomes in the Russian Federation. Check will be carried out in Moscow, Nizhni Novgorod, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad and Rostov-on-Don. After that eagerness of financial scouts will cease for a long time - more than 50% of money in economy is engaged in cash flow and "cashing in" is necessary condition of simple functioning of such a system. To blow up national economy Zubkov, for sure, will not dare.

However, as it always was at the times of the USSR, also today the most terrible that can occur to a person is "to get under campaign". It doesn't matter what type of the campaign it is - struggle against unearned incomes, against oligarches, against cashing in of money. The main thing is not to decide that you urgently need a new car in September-November in Rostov-on-Don or Khabarovsk.

Mr. Zubkov is a fair person. He honestly warns - campaign has begun. Do not swim away for anchor buoys!

However, there is one more nuance - another campaign will be in its heat in September-November - elections in the State Duma. It is hardly possible to carry it out without unrecorded "cash". But only one will be caught for it, the one whom they will consider to be necessary. While the one whom they won't - will not be caught.
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