
Administration of "ôikkurila" Recognized Interregional Trade Union Organization of Workers


On April, 28th the chairman of trade-union committee of Interregional Trade Union Organization of Workers Sergey Kruglov received at once two letters signed by the general manager of LLC "ôikkurila" Simo Laytal. It was said in one of the letters that the company administration gives Interregional Trade Union Organization of Workers a premise for work and allows to use office equipment of the employer, the administration also allows the trade union to place information on the corporate stand after preliminary coordination with management. In the second letter it was said that the management was ready to include representatives of trade union into certifying commission.
Till now administration ignored trade-union organization and did not give appropriate guarantees for its activity. Moreover, in March representatives of Interregional Trade Union Organization of Workers were discharged of work as a part of certifying commission.

"Certainly, it is big progress in our relations though there are no tables or chairs in the given premise and administration persistently offers censorship of our materials. We hope that initiatives of "Tikkurila" are only the first step. But these actions do not mention our basic requirements - to reinstate the fired workers - member of the trade union, to discharge HR-directors and safety directors Tsinchenko and Kalinin, to start negotiations", - Sergey Kruglov declared.

The chairman of the trade union expressed gratitude to all who supported this step at latest. "I wish to express many thanks to all who supports us! It is obvious that contact with administration became possible only due to this support. We together let others know that joint efforts could break ice", - Sergey Kruglov underlined.

"We hope that common sense, at last, has prevailed and the management of "Tikkurila" is really ready to go on real negotiations with the trade union. But if we understand that "Tikkurila" fills in time, solidarity campaign will be continued with new force and application of new resources", - Alexey Etmanov, chairman of Interregional Trade Union Organization of Motor Industry declared.

You could ask for detailed information:

Alexey Etmanov, chairman of the council of Interregional Trade Union Organization of Workers +7 901 375 13 15; +7 901 375 13 15

Sergey Kruglov, chairman of Trade Union Organization +7 921 309 15 86; +7 921 309 15 86

Simo Lajtala, general manager of LLC "ôikkurila" +7 727 333 58 88; +7 727 333 58 88

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