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They Are Going to Deprive Heroes of Ukraine of the Rank in Lvov

They Are Going to Deprive Heroes of Ukraine of the Rank in Lvov

The co-ordinator of public organization "Harmony and Order" Dmitry Gudyma submitted to the Lvov district administrative court the claim about cancellation of decrees of the president of Ukraine about awarding a rank "Hero of Ukraine" to the Soviet soldiers-non-citizens of Ukraine, zaxid.net informs referring to the PO "Harmony and Order".

In particular, "Harmony and Order" demands cancellation of Decrees about awarding a rank of Hero of Ukraine:

"Beresta Alexey Prokopovich (March, 9th, 1921 - November, 4th, 1970) - lieutenant who was awarded a rank of Hero of Ukraine and a medal "Gold Star" for fighting courage in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, personal courage and heroism shown in the Berlin operation and placing of the Banner of Victory over Reichstag,

Vasilishin Michael Ivanovich (1910 - March, 20th, 1945) - soldier-machine gunner who was awarded a rank of Hero of Ukraine and a medal "Gold Star" for personal courage and heroism shown at cutting across the river of Oder in Vislo-Oder operation in the Great Patriotic War, 1941 - 1945.

Markus Tatyana Iosifovna (September, 21st, 1921 - January, 29th, 1943) - the participant of antifascist underground resistance in the city of Kiev in 1941 - 1943.

Shapiro Anatoly Pavlovich (January, 18th, 1913 - October, 8th, 2005, New York) - commander of a separate rifle battalion of 100th shooting division, the participant of liberation of concentration camp Oswiecim on January, 27th, 1945 who was awarded a rank of Hero of Ukraine and medal "Gold Star" for personal courage and heroic self-sacrifice, fortitude of spirit in struggle against fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War, 1941 - 1945.

Derevyanko Kuzma Nikolaevich (November, 14th, 1904 - December, 30th, 1954) - lieutenant general who was awarded a rank of Hero of Ukraine and medal "Gold Star" for courage and selflessness shown in days of the World War II, 1939 - 1945, outstanding diplomatic merits in post-war settlement of interstate relations".

The claim reasons that actions of the president of Ukraine in relation to decrees about awarding a rank of Hero of Ukraine to people who were not citizens of Ukraine are illegal and corresponding decrees should be subjected to cancellation.

It's stated in the message that the reason of such actions of Public Organization "Harmony and Order" was the fact that on April, 21st the Donetsk appeal administrative court deprived Roman Shukhevich of the rank of Hero of Ukraine, having satisfied appeal complaint of the professor of Donetsk Medical University Anatoly Solovev under his claim to the president of Ukraine. The basis for such court decision which came into force was that fact that Roman Shukhevich never was the citizen of Ukraine. We will remind that similar approach was applied by the Donetsk district administrative court on April, 2nd when it deprived of the rank of Hero of Ukraine Stepan Bandera recognizing the rank illegal and having cancelled corresponding decree of the president.

- By and large, the late war heroes are indifferent, whether they would be or not considered heroes by the state which appeared on the ruins of the USSR from former Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Other thing is important - whether Ukraine would consider itself the successor of soldiers who took Berlin and liberated Oswiecim or, like present Moldova, would start ranking itself to the countries which suffered defeat in World War II. For quite long time official Kiev pretended that it's possible to be simultaneously both - the country-winner and the one suffered from the Soviet Union. It is really convenient position - to get Crimea from the USSR, territories in the West including Galicia, a piece of Romania and thus to "suffer" from "occupation" from the part of the USSR. Well and to have two sets of awards - for the West and for the East. It's difficult to suck and blow at the same time for long - it is necessary to get somehow defined. At the same time to get defined with Galicia - eternal "fifth column" will destroy the state. If people named above are not worthy the rank of Heroes of Ukraine from somebody's point of view, then there are some problems with morals in some part of the Ukrainian society, that is it, to put it mildly, "not universal".


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