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They Dares to Detain "Godfather" in Ukraine

They Dares to Detain "Godfather" in Ukraine

On Tuesday the Russian law enforcement bodies did not lay claims to 73-year-old Aslan Usojan known in criminal circles as "Grandfather Hasan" whom the Ukrainian authorities accused of attempt of entrance to the country under counterfeit passport and sent to Russia, the newspaper "Kommersant" writes on Wednesday.

Usojan was detained on April, 26th in VIP hall of the Kiev airport where he arrived from Moscow. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, "Grandfather Hasan" arrived to the country to carry out thieves' meeting. It was convoked, under the operative data, "for the purpose of redistribution of spheres of influence in criminal circles of Ukraine after the death of the Russian criminal authority Vyacheslav Ivankov (Japonchik)", the newspaper marks.

"Usojan was detained for attempt of crossing of the border of Ukraine under counterfeit documents. As the crime (forging of documents) was made outside of Ukraine, it was decided to transfer mister Usojan to law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation", - the main adviser of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Konstantin Stogny declared. According to the Ukrainian official, Usojan "was sent to Moscow under escort where he was transferred to the Russian authorities". Stogny refused to tell what happened next. "We cannot declassify details of operation on detention not to let our foreign colleagues down", - he explained to the newspaper.

According to the edition, Usojan freely crossed the border of the Russian Federation and after short conversation with field investigators left to undisclosed location. The Russian law enforcement bodies refused to make comments officially.

From editorial board: It's a bright example of how the Russian "bodies" struggle with organized crime. Russia - one of few countries where thieves in law and criminal authorities can easily live, have real estate and large property engaged in business legalizing large money resources. They live not simply easy but with big pomp, almost officially enjoying private support of the state.


Bright example - Vyacheslav Ivankov's funeral on the Vagankovsky cemetery turned into event of national scale which was covered literally by all press. There were only no official condolences from the government (obviously, there were unofficial ones).

Tens "thieves in law" from the most different countries and regions live in Moscow. Absolutely legally and comfortably.

The society column literally dazzles with events from a life of "stars" of criminal world. Militia gives way to processions of "thieves in law", they have informal representatives in the parliament of the country and in local legislature, on high posts in militia and in other "bodies", in executive power structures. Representatives of the higher echelon of underworld are accepted by the patriarch - certainly, not as "thieves" but as respectful businessmen and patrons of art.

Perhaps, it is time to put forward the slogan: "Grandfather Hasan - in presidents!" Though who is president near to "godfather"?



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