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Medvedev, Go Ahead!

Medvedev, Go Ahead!
Piontkovsky Andrey 13.04.2010

Many times I was fairly reproached by colleagues and readers in deviation from canons of academic style. But what can be done when you hear, for example, such weakly structured, tongue-tied but breathing authenticity of consciousness stream appearing in front of our very eyes:

"Actually there's nothing super-difficult in it. I try to do it. Certainly, I am not capable to do everything at a time but if there is some resonant theme, it becomes instantly property of publicity, it is discussed actively enough in mass media, on Internet. It's not a problem to pick up the receiver and say: "Listen, they write about it here, well, check up what is going on, whether it's truth or not". If it's a lie - well, thank godness and if it's truth, instruct to give an earful or even make some more serious decisions".

No, it's not Shenderovich, it's ours junior tsar discourses upon corruption at the session of the Council on Corruption Counteraction. If he, forgive me, think we are idiots, whether he pretends or even worse...?

Certainly, he is not capable to everything. Though if for more than a year resonant enough theme about 80-milliard larceny in "Gazprom" during his being on the post of the chairman of board of directors has been actively discussed, why not blogger with active vital position to pick up the receiver and to call perfectly familiar to him personally authors of the report "Putin and Gazprom" Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Milov and to say: "Listen, guys, here you write about IT, well, you understand what I am talking about. So, if it's the truth or not?"

Perhaps, they will answer that they have simply joked - well, thank godness. Though if it's truth, it is necessary to instruct to give an earful to someone or even make some more serious decisions. By the way, after all report of B.Nemtsov and V.Milov is not casually entitled "Putin and Gazprom", not, for example, "Medvedev and Gazprom". All understand that Medvedev during those years supervised over "Gazprom" approximately the same way he supervises now over the state.

Next on importance call on resonant themes discussed on Internet the head of the state could make to London, not to Gordon Brown, certainly, to Roman Abramovich. To get at first the details of his frank confession to Supreme Royal Household in criminal acquisition of the company "Sibneft". And then to take interest, it is desirable in a mode of videoconference broadcast on the air of four Russian national television channels: "Tell us, buddy, how you have spent collective fund in 13,7 billion dollars entrusted you in 2005 by our national leader? Haven't you ratted something spare?"

A series of telephone conversations with the heads of the states of Finland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland would become worthy end of the working day of irreconcilable fighter with corruption. He could ask them to give instructions to their special services to search and deliver in shackles to Russia the petrotrader-multibillionaire some Mister Timchenko. His frank evidences with whose help among the top management of the country his company "Gunvor" succeeds for already so many years to resale more than a quarter of the Russian oil are being awaited with impatience on his historical Native land. Whether not with the help of the same people who assisted in far 1992 year to modest employee of export department Timchenko to steal from Kirishsky oil refining factory 150 000 tons of mineral oil?


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