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Medvedev Agreed to Return Practice of the Golden Horde

Medvedev Agreed to Return Practice of the Golden Horde

Yesterday there was discussion of a question on extrajudicial collecting of back taxes from citizens at a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev - officials of Presidential Administration, chairmen of the Supreme Arbitration Court and Supreme Court Anton Ivanov and Vyacheslav Lebedev, public prosecutor Jury Chajka participated in it.

"Cases, so to say, petty but there are a lot of them, justice suffers from it", - Medvedev explained. It was decided to develop and make amendments about extrajudicial collecting of debts.

In 2009 amendments into the Tax code about extrajudicial collecting of tax debts from citizens was brought into the State Duma by the Supreme Court. Tax specialists had an opportunity to direct commissions about write-off of means to bank where the person had open account or to collect cash. Even sale of property on account of debts without judicial sanction could be begun.

The Supreme Court motivated amendments by necessity to unload courts from case in which person does not challenge tax requirements. According to Lebedev, often it's a question of sums from several copecks to 50 rbl., while one day of civil legal proceedings costs 27 000 rbl. According to the Supreme Court, there are more than 3 million such cases a year, a quarter of work of courts of general jurisdiction on civil cases.

From editorial board: It seems, Medvedev again "has cast in a granite". I will remind that extrajudicial collection of tax shortages was widely practiced in Russia only in the times of the Golden Horde. Practice of Mongol tax-gatherers was certainly effective but, to put it mildly, not always corresponded to high norms of humanism.


"You have no tanga - we will take your wife,

Who has no wife - we will take a head"...


Today from time to time we are being shown on TV how court enforcement officers make inventory of beggarly property of the Russians appeared incapable to pay really pure copecks - someone is taken TV-set away, someone - refrigerator, someone - sofa... Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev freely taking from a pocket 20 thousand dollars for purchase of a fur coat during business trip does not understand how poorly people who elected him on a high post live. Debts are really petty but often people don't have even these copecks. In our country, on polls, up to third of "dear Russian" has problems with buying foodstaff...


However, we are often being reproach that we only criticize but offer - nothing. So, we suggest to do the same thing with petty debts of citizens before state as it's done in the USA and Europe with which we always try to be equal or even better. To write off the debts! To amnesty, if they are that petty.

We constantly write off debts to some African countries, though these are far not copecks. Well, then write off sometimes the debts to own citizens, equate them though to Negroes whom you treat with enviable humanism, unlike "dear Russians". After all it will be even favourable - not only courts which day costs 27 thousand roubles but also the service of court enforcement officers withdrawing today old TV-sets and house slippers will be relieved.

Or it's not possible to write off shortages from the Russians? It is necessary, even if there's no tanga to get the head?

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk


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