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Silicon Valley in Moscow Region: Cargo Cult Full Length

Silicon Valley in Moscow Region: Cargo Cult Full Length

Representative of private business and not the official should run the Russian "Silicon Valley". Such statement was made by the curator of the project of the Russian analogue of Silicone ("Silicon") valley the first deputy of the head of Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov in interview to television channel "Vesty-24".

He noticed that the choice of the general manager is important and this question would be personally settled by the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev who, according to V.Surkov, considers that "it should be a person "true to the scale" of the project, person possessing experience of development of big manufactures, experience if decision-making of multidimensional problems".

"It is desirable that he was representative of private business as it's better not to charge the business to the official. I think that as the president places the question like this, it will be someone from representatives of the Russian large private business", - V.Surkov added.

Now, as he said, there is a work on registration of the land and completion of business project plans going on. "We hope that in the second half of next year we can order design works", - curator of the project specified. Construction of a new city, according to V.Surkov, will occupy roughly 3-7 years. At first "the city kernel" will be built, then it will expand independently without state participation.

"It's difficult to say now when in created community of businessmen, scientists with simultaneously existing university centre, laboratory complexes, research divisions of the large raw and not raw hi-tech companies where venture capital which is for today almost absent in Russia will be present the miracle spark will kindle", - V.Surkov underlined.

From editorial staff: There is such remarkable religion on islands of Melanesia. It's called cargo cult.


They believe in cargo cults that the Western goods are created by spirits of ancestors and are intended for Melanesian people. It is considered that white people received control over these subjects using unfair means. Rituals similar to actions of white people are being held to multiply these subjects. Exact copies of runways, airports and radio towers are being made from coconut palm trees and straw in the most known cargo cults. Members of the cult make them believing that these constructions will attract transport planes (being considered envoys of spirits) filled in with cargo. Believers regularly carry out drills and a some kind of military marches using branches instead of rifles and drawing on awards and signs "USA" on the body (Wikipedia).


Our "Silicon Valley" near to legendary Rublevka - it's classical cargo cult. Ostensibly, civilisation gifts were taken by the Americans by deceit and actually they belong to the Russian people-God bearers. It's also necessary to build Silicon Valley similar to the American one to receive immediately many innovations and other pleasant things.


Probably, they in the Kremlin don't understand at all that there was in America first the demand of industry for certain type of innovations and then that demand was materialized in Silicon Valley we know today. The fact that Stanford University had in property the land which could not be sold but was possible to be leased was, as a matter of fact, just an accident. But the main thing is that it was an inquiry of the space industry of the USA about semi-conductor elements. That is there was a task in view and it was solved by joint efforts of scientists. And industry.

What do we have?

In our country the state - the basic customer of our "Silicon Valley" - does not know for sure what it wants. Whether it wants microcircuits, or nuclear technologies, or money to earn. Let's build in Odintsovsky region a copy of a city of San Jose and scientists with innovations will for some reason come there and everything will be great...

I think, scientist Petrik will run there, as to the others - I doubt. Thus there will be such "petriks" there competing to Rublevka at the cost of square metre. Such typical developer project at public expense. They will get a lot of money. As to innovations...

Sirs, what is it - innovation - in general? Do you with president Dima really know it?

Аnatoly Baranov


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