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"Victory" of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Elections in Irkutsk Was Found out to Be Fantastic Phony!

"Victory" of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Elections in Irkutsk Was Found out to Be Fantastic Phony!

Following the results of calculation of 95% of bulletins 62.34% voted for the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the region Victor Kondrashov in mayoral elections. Press-service of the regional election committee informed. Representative of "Edinaya Russia", assistant to the mayor Sergey Serebrennikov being on the second place received 27,07% of voices. In active of the third candidate - pensioner Lyudmila Korjakova - 4,04%.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation celebrates victory. Well - "young, perspective". The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is supported... Just as the mayor of Volgograd Roman Grebennikov. However, for some reason followers of Zyuganov do not like to recollect that "victory" - painfully soon young mayor-communist passed to "Edinaya Russia".

Here you are we can read:


It was declared today on the air of the radio station "Russian News Service" by the head of central executive committee of "Edinaya Russia" Andrey Vorobjev. We will remind, following the results of elections post of the mayor of Irkutsk with more than 60 percent of votes was gained by businessman Victor Kondrashov supported by the Communist Party.

"Situation in Irkutsk is very interesting. Young guy - successful businessman, not party member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation won there. Let's look attentively. Result - really, Kondrashov won, he got 62,5 percent. Now he has tremendous chances to cope with what he promised to citizens: to lower tariffs for housing and communal services cardinally and to solve all problems", - A.Vorobev said.

"We with co-operate with him as from 35 deputies in the Irkutsk City Council 33 are members of "Edinaya Russia". We will direct his (Kondrashov's - Russian News Service) work, we will recommend him to highlight solving of this or that problem", - A.Vorobjev said.

"We hope very much that he is diligent person and that he having rolled up sleeves will go forward singing songs", - the head of central executive committee of "Edinaya Russia" added. 

So, it means that new mayor-communist is not the communist at all but, so to say, "fellow traveller". Besides, he is businessman and not the worker or teacher.

Well, how then that businessman suddenly got to the lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?

It appears, exactly one year ago businessman Victor Kondrashov became the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region of the first convocation. He was given the deputy mandate at the session of Election committee of the Irkutsk region.

Let's remind, the former deputy of Legislative Assembly Vladimir Primachek elected as a part of the regional list of candidates put forward by Irkutsk regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation laid down the fasces of deputy at own will. He received one of the posts of the state civil service in the regional parliament.

We came across such focuses with lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation not ones, when known communists occupy some posts and then they suddenly "voluntary" lay down deputy mandates in favour of businessmen standing on imperceptible places in the lists. Sometimes "communists" concede places also to members of "Edinaya Russia" as it happened in the Perm region. We have no evidences and can not affirm anything about purchase of deputy mandates but are not going to hide well-founded suspicions.

The biography of new mayor impresses. Being the master at factory, in parallel he worked as the demonstrator of clothes (model) and during that time learnt to sew well, he opened studio but failed. Further Kondrashov was engaged in development of the first video salons in Irkutsk, then there was a network of perfumery shops. In the beginning of 2000s he created personnel agency which subsequently turned into investment company which united several enterprises into big holding (friendly absorption). Now over 500 people work in the holding "Takota". Orientation of branches is the most different: it's building and building materials, sports and security activity and so on. For some years of work of holding "Таkota" built big business centre, opened large shopping centres. Everything is clear and concrete. Only communism has not been mentioned...



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