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Catholic Priests Followed in Islamist Fanatics Wake

Catholic Priests Followed in Islamist Fanatics Wake

The Brazilian Catholic church made a complain against movie company Columbia Pictures because of demonstration of destruction of a statue of the Christ Redemptor in Rio de Janeiro in disaster film "2012". AFP informs about it.


As the lawyer of metropolitanate of Rio de Janeiro Klodin Dutra informed news agency on February, 24th, metropolitanate demanded from Columbia Pictures compensation of a damage and public announcement that studio didn't intend to offend feelings of the believers by scenes of the film.


According to the lawyer, metropolinate possesses copyrights to the statue but in most cases allows to use its images. Nevertheless, the church rejected corresponding inquiry from the movie company. In the film "2012" the statue of Christ - one of the symbols of Rio de Janeiro - is being destroyed by huge wave. Episode in Brazil is used in disaster film to represent one of the scenes of  destruction of mankind from planetary cataclysm.


- Situation very vividly reminds recent world scandal with caricatures on prophet Mohammed, when Islamic clergy decided to incur a role of "the world censor" in all questions related to Islam and art, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed. - Thus some pictures in the Danish magazine led to a violence wave worldwide. Now relay race is picked up by the Brazilian Catholics - only nobody has been beaten and killed for now, they only demanded compensation of some "pain and suffering". As if 38-metre statue is not standing on a foreground in Rio de Janeiro and everyone can film and take photos of it as he wish. They should have removed it then from the general review and enjoyed it face to face. Otherwise one can come into extremes - the Himalayas and the White House are also being washed off in this film. What the director of the film should do - to explain to everyone and their brother that he did not wish to offend their feelings? The sun is called the reason of the cataclysms - so, now should they wait for the claim from heliolaters? And from admirers of Yarilo perhaps. People have simply gone mad, FSB already investigates Satanic rites in Saransk, wait a little bit and inquisition fires will be burning - however why "will burn"? In Nigeria they already execute magicians with might and main. Terrible thing... I have a dream-book somewhere on a shelf - may be I should throw it away, out of harm's way? Don't want to be committed for trial...

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