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Question of Fulfillment of Pre-Election Pledges by Yanukovych Dies against Rada

Question of Fulfillment of Pre-Election Pledges by Yanukovych Dies against Rada

The member of the Party of Regions Boris Kolesnikov declares that there are no enough voices to make amendments in the Constitution of Ukraine in relation to the Russian language. "The law on language is ready. It is clear that we do not have 300 voices and we cannot change the Constitution. So, it would be too much easy", - he said in interview to the newspaper "Today".


According to the deputy, the Party of Regions prepared the law which gives to country councils the right to teach the child all subjects in Russian in every secondary school at obligatory studying of state language under parental demand, "Ukrainian Pravda" cites his words.


"Officials in courts and local councils should know 2 languages. We are preparing separate law in connection to radio and TV", - Kolesnikov noted.


"We would like that universities were transferred to local councils, so that the child who used to be taught at school in Russian received higher education also in Russian", - he added.


From editorial board: It's essential from our point of view not that Party of Regions going to fulfill Yanukovych's pre-election pledges in relation to the status of the Russian language but that "party in power" worries about constitutional majority in the Supreme Rada.


Now there are 5 political parties and blocks in the structure of Rada:


- Party of Regions (175)
- BYUT (156)
- Block Our Ukraine - Peoples Self-Defense (72)
- The Communist Party of Ukraine (27)
- Block of Vladimir Litvin (20)

It is easy to understand that in this situation it's not possible to get 300 voices in the Supreme Rada without BYUT, without saying that it's hardly possible to assume that in relation to the Russian language Our Ukraine will vote in unison with the Party of Regions. That is the question of execution of Yanukovych's pre-election pledges (not to mention more secret intentions) dies against absence of the constitutional majority. It brings attention to the question on early election in the Supreme Rada rather sharply.

Actually, the question on parliamentary opposition is not less sharp, say, there are not enough mandates in the most convenient for Yanukovych configuration - PR-CPU-BVL. Participation of Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense in coalition is quite probable, but firstly, "National Self-Defense" looks at it not the same way as "Our Ukraine" and secondly such "concessionary" as Yushchenko cannot suit the new president.

In any case it is necessary to expect "rerunnings" of deputies from BYUT and, probably, Our Russia. Creation of separate formation from the run away deputies is probable. If there will be enough run aways, the question of coalition will be easily solved, while the question of constitutional majority, most likely, will be hanged till the creation of new Rada. However, if Yanukovych starts delaying his pledges, it will interfere with him on forthcoming parliamentary elections - it means, elections will pass soon enough, maybe, already in May...



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