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Yushchenko Signed "anti-Maidan" Election Law

Yushchenko Signed "anti-Maidan" Election Law

The president of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko signed changes in the law on presidential elections. Changes concerned organisation of work of election committees, in particular, the law cancels necessity of presence of quorum at a session of election committees.


As it is known, on Wednesday the parliament passed in the second reading change in the law on presidential elections in edition of member of the Party of Regions Alexander Lavrinovich.


Yulia Tymoshenko's reaction to adoption of law by Rada was extremely sharp: "I will undertake now emergency measures, - she declared. - First of all I address the President of Ukraine. If he feels that he is the guarantor of the Constitution, if he feels that he bears responsibility for continuation of development of democracy in our state - it is necessary to veto this law immediately. If veto is not imposed, I will consider that the President is the participant of all these processes on destruction of fair elections".

Nevertheless Yushchenko signed it, in spite of the fact that now... And further folowing Timoshenko's text.

Moreover, Yushchenko explained the nation his position - it's said in the statement of the president of Ukraine which was sounded by his Press Secretary Irina Vannikova: "The President of Ukraine repeatedly underlined that tradition of civilised and peace formation of power should be continued in Ukraine - when results of elections are defined exclusively by means of a will of citizens. Any scenarios of election breakdowns should be stopped".

"The head of the state consistently paid attention to imperfection of the Presidential Election Law of Ukraine that could provoke falsifications during election process. Also the head of the state submitted the variant of the Presidential Election Law which was not supported. Now a situation when presidential elections appeared under the threat of breakdown came round. Therefore Victor Yushchenko signed changes in the Presidential Election Law (accepted by the Ukrainian parliament) understanding its imperfection to guarantee the right of each citizen to express own position in the day of election according to the Constitution", - I.Vannikova underlined.

As she said, old edition of the Law created bases for breakdown of elections because of absence of members of election committees on session in the day of voting. "After all the norm of this Law on competence of session of the commission under condition of presence of not less than two thirds of its members creates a menacing situation when polling districts will not be opened for voting - owing to deliberate absence of committee-members from one of the candidates", - the Press Secretary said.

"Besides, there's also possibility of delay in definition of results of elections - because of refusal of representatives of one of the candidates in commissions to sign head count records and establishment of results of voting on election district", - I.Vannikova summarized having added: "Taking in consideration all these risks the President of Ukraine made decision to sign accepted by the Supreme Rada of Ukraine change in the election legislation.

"In particular, amendments to the Law provide the mechanism of reaction to absence of quorum of election committees and protection of fair and transparent process of voting. It means citizens will have possibility to vote and election committees - to establish results of elections", - she noted.


From editorial board: So, in the end Yushchenko expressed himself extremely clearly - the threat of breakdown of elections by supporters of the losing party he considers to be more serious, rather than non-permission of the part of observers (though he quite aware of such threat).


As we see, intrigue of elections in Ukraine remains till the latest moment that considerably contrasts with "elections" in the Russian Federation where the name of the future president becomes clear long before election procedure - the one pointed out as "successor" wins with "basketball" score. At it even without the second round. We will remind, there was no second round of presidential election in Russia since 1996, there's high degree of probability there won't be such next time.


Besides, nobody can say for sure, whether results of elections in Ukraine will be recognized at once - there's probability of events similar to mass actions on last elections received general name "Maidan". However, it's quite probable that there are the last "cheerful" elections in Ukraine - any of the party came to power (Yanukovych looks today the most probable winner) will try to consolidate all power in its hands - both legislative and executive, preconditions to it are on hand. The proof - voting by the law on elections where Yanukovych's supporters already managed to consolidate the majority in Rada.



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