
ëÁliningrad Became "Laxative" for the Kremlin

ëÁliningrad Became "Laxative" for the Kremlin

Consequences of a meeting in which 10 thousand people took part and where slogans about resignation of the governor and federal government could be heard are already at hand. The plenipotentiary of the president of the Russian Federation in Northwest federal district Ilya Klebanov and the assistant to the general public prosecutor Alexander Gutsan arrived to Kaliningrad for finding-out of reasons of mass protest meeting. There are also rumours about soon arrival of the presidential commission of Internal Control Bodies.

Authorities did not expect so mass action, they were also not ready to that meeting will outgrow into political action.

Thus increase of transport tax which became an occasion for protest meeting will be discussed for long time by public. In particular, on February, 3rd local court will entertain an action of the regional Office of Public Prosecutor which considers that new law does not correspond to the federal legislation.

Party "Edinaya Russia" will hold next Saturday, on February, 6th, own meeting in Kaliningrad. Gazeta.Ru informs referring to the source in regional branch of the party. It becomes reciprocal step to the action of opposition on Saturday which surprised journalists and observers by its scale. 

According to Gazeta.Ru, reciprocal meeting will be with opposite sign: in support of Putin and Boos. Logically, people should support them together with growth of tariffs and transport tax.


From editorial board: The logic of "Edinaya Russia" is clear - during mass protests of pensioners against monetization of social privileges in 2005 they also, as one could remember, carried out actions in support of monetization and cancellation of privileges. It is even surprising that never on the 31st members of "Edinaya Russia" carried out actions on the Triumphal Square of the capital to support cancellation of article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


But reaction of the executive power encourages - they got crap on!


However, to Pikalevo Putin went himself, here - sent Klebanov. Probably, they really got crap on. In Pikalevo everything was already ready to Putin's arrival, he only had to participate only in "amateur performances", while in Kaliningrad everything's real. Well, they don't feel pity for Klebanov. He has got used to it.


OMON was sent to Primorsky Territory in similar situation. But ïíïN will not be enough for all cases, besides reliability of this "combat arm" always was not on the high horse, when it was a case of real opposition and not simply beating of defenceless people. Meanwhile there are a lot of military people in Kaliningrad...


I think, when about forty thousand people will walk on the streets in Rostov-on-Don ("capital" of the North Caucasian military district), local OMON will protect demonstrators and Putin's resignation will be signed to support conversation. To the time it already will not be enough. When peace demonstration will approach Voronezh, it will not be possiblele to buy tickets from Sheremetyevo-2 at any price.




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