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Hydrocarbon Dreams of "Saint Francis"

Hydrocarbon Dreams of "Saint Francis"
Оleg Sultanov 01.02.2010

Sincere elation of the chairman of the government in relation to successful investigation of oil and gas stocks shows fully and brightly the essence of present "modernisation epoch" in Russia. Recently Vladimir Putin shared happiness with the minister of natural resources and ecology Jury Trutnev, whom the prime minister optimistically gave pleasant figures. It appears, 490 million tons if oil extracted last year in Russia. While whole 620 million tons were found out. Everything's also ok with gas: 582 billion cubic metre of blue fuel were extracted, the gain of stocks in 2009 made 650 billion cubes.

Last year is rich in opening of new deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials; that indicator reached 73. V.Putin noticed with pride that last year reconnoitered stocks of hydrocarbons became equal to indicators of 1990. At such rates less than five years will pass and we will reach level of investigation of hydrocarbons of times of Brezhnev's "stagnation", we will come nearer to 1975! Petersburg political command which heads confidently puling our leg about necessity of general modernisation of the state, are happy with each new ton of "oil" which can be sold favourably abroad.

Once, long ago scientist F.Engels said that history is the greatest poetess which creativity is unique; all its heroes - not thought up characters and their actions are absolutely real. I think, after a while, when the present command of the Russian wonderful reformers will really devastate the bowels of the Russian Federation till the end, such "Engels" will appear in our country who nervously scratching his shaggy back will write on a birch bark "Hydrocarbon History of Russia". Our great-grandsons, sitting with their naked asses on stubs will study with interest time strokes when their former country could have become the richest and powerful state on a planet ...

Well, now the chief member of "Edinaya Russia" can't be displeased by the fact that last year financing of prospecting works made almost 19 billion roubles; in present, 2010, the budget will generously allocate 20,2 billion full Russian roubles to the explorers. If it's a lot of it or a little? It depends on what to compare. If it's compared with the average salary in the country, probably, it is a lot. If, for example, with the cost of rebranding of all branches of Sberbank (change of colour and logo replacement) - so-so; by hearsay, the change of old logo with new (three-dimensional) cost the bank some tens billions roubles. Where they went in an easy state of mind of Mister Herman Gref - there's no need to find out.

The main advertising partner of Sberbank is McCann Erickson agency; consulting agency Fitch received its fee for working out of the concept of logo and English brand. Who after these most necessary to people of Russia target expenses for image of bank will dare to say that there's no active modernisation going on in the Russian Federation?!

It reached also sacred coast of lake Baikal in which waters Mister Putin by his decree of 13.01.2010 allowed enterprises to dump production wastes. I will remind that the Baikal pulp-and-paper industrial complex stood idle since October, 2008 because it broke ecology. Now prohibitions are removed and grateful to the government pollutants of nature will dump every day 120 000 cubic metre of waste to Baikal. Imagine, dear readers, what shit this unique lake will turn into in three years.

Why three? Minister Trutnev reported the prime minister Putin that rich man Oleg Deripaska had not had time to work out refinement technology but he promised that he would do it for three years. Here you are! The minister incurs a role of a transfer link of the data which oligarch brings to the attention of the prime minister.

Meanwhile "modernisation Russian-like" is going on, life in the country proceeds. Prices, as always, grow, inflation also; from the beginning of January it almost came nearer to a mark of 2%. Growth of consumer prices only for one week (January, 19-25th) made half-percent. Granulated sugar rose in price almost by 3% (citizens, sugar is a white death!), cabbage and onions - almost by 5%, carrots - by 2,5%. Following the results of last year Russia confidently took the third place in Europe on a rate of inflation, having allowed Ukraine and Belarus to pass it ahead.

But it's nothing, these are trifles. The main thing - not to lose courage and to work actively with a chopper. Our prime minister met on January, 25th students of the Chuvash State University and repeated his five-years'-old phrase about sacred Francis; then, in 2005 president Putin was asked by the Dutch journalists the way he wished to become history. He answered that he wanted to be as sacred Francis "to hoe his small site - and good luck will come ...".

It's strange somehow, all country has been trying for already 10 years, according to advises of "Francis - Vladimir", to hoe the sites but as a whole the state for some reason remains uncultivated; choppers have become blunted and good luck postpones its visit to our hydrocarbon territories ...

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