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Every 20th Official of Ukraine Lives with False Diploma

Every 20th Official of Ukraine Lives with False Diploma

The deputy of the parliament of Crimea Andrey Sumtsov at appointment the minister of resorts of autonomy handed in obviously false data about having higher education - the diploma of Master of Law КV № 27935296 of Kiev National University named after Shevchenko, the militia says.


As correspondent of UNIAN transfers, it's stated in the widespread message of the press-service of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Crimea.


"'Uniform information database of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine does not contain data about diploma of Master issued in 2006 under Andrey Anatolevich Sumtsov's name, diploma КV № 27935296 is the bachelor's degree and is given out by the Lvov National University named after Ivan Franko to Klimchuk Vitaly Anatolevich", - is underlined in the message.


Militia declares that appointment of "a citizen with not finished secondary education" the Minister cannot remain "without legal and public reaction". "After such shame Council of Ministers of Crimea and personally its chairman should retire and the Supreme Rada of Autonomous Republic Crimea is obliged to gather for an emergency meeting and to dismiss the minister-impostor from the post illegally occupied by him", - is said in the message.

"Materials about participation in swindle of some officials from the Kiev National University named after Shevchenko are directed in the Central Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev for reaction", - they noted in the Crimean militia.

As UNIAN informed, the post of the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea remained vacant after dismissal from it of Vladimir Savelyev in February, 2009. In January V.Savelyev at his own will left and passed to work as the head physician of Livadijsky hospital (Big Yalta). On March, 18th, 2009 the Supreme Rada of Crimea appointed deputy A.Sumtsov the Minister of Resorts of autonomy.

From editorial board: First of all it should be said that in Crimea the post of the Minister of Resorts and Tourism is key by definition and if any guy can occupy it... it's bad. The more so this autumn another impostor was laid bare -the deputy head of Security Service of Ukraine Kislinsky who appropriated the diploma about higher education.


Possibly, it is necessary to understand so that key posts in the Ukrainian state can be occupied by casually passing by people. And falsifications in their documents come to light absolutely casually. Let's say, before the appointment into Security Service of Ukraine Kislinry worked the deputy chief of Secretariat of the president of Ukraine but for some reason they didn't found out there that the ranking officer does not correspond to the post due to his educational level. Whether they in Yushchenko's Secretariat communicating to him every day didn't understand that Mr. Kislinsky was not the historian by education?

Let's remind that under Kislinsky's authority in Security Service was a theme of historical researches on Holodomor - whether nobody got guarded that official Ukrainian propagation on its advise slipped up from time to time in connection with the theme? Let's recollect at least memorable exhibition devoted to Holodomor in the building of Security Service of Ukraine in Sevastopol where almost all photos appeared belonging either to other epoch, or were made in general in the USA during Great depression. It is interesting to ask now who from the Ukrainian "historians" invented the concept of consideration of hunger of 30th years in the USSR as selective genocide of the Ukrainian people? I will not be surprised, if it was Kislinsky's idea... After recent voting in PACE this question sounds rather sharply - reputation of Ukraine is damaged and the fault is caused, seemingly, by widespread practice of purchase of diplomas...

The same story with the Crimean minister - after all before election as the minister he was elected as the deputy, so, it means he handed in documents including educational ones to electoral committee. Why nobody checked them up? After all they were obliged. Now, quite probably, it is necessary to put a question on legality of election as obviously false data on the candidate was given to the voters.

Now - you'd better sit down. Approximately 10-15 officials of high rank from 300 (every 20th) being annually checked by Public Service Administration give doubtful documents about higher education. It was declared by the chief of the Ukrainian central administrative board of public service Timothy Motrenko.

"If we check once a year nearby 300 persons, 10-15 from them have doubtful diplomas. Now we are talking about the level where people are being appointed by the president and Ministry. If to try to extrapolate these figures on more than forty thousand people which annually arrive to public service at all levels? Probably, there also will be problems. Figures there will be of other exponents", - he said.

Well, in the country where everything can be sold and bought, the most surprising things are possible.

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