
"ådinaya Russia" Found the Main Corrupted Person of Russia

"ådinaya Russia" Found the Main Corrupted Person of Russia

Four deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from fraction "Edinaya Russia" on Thursday, December, 17th directed an inquiry in the State Office of Public Prosecutor with the request to check up legality of origin and use by the vice-president of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky of a car "Maybach". "Interfax" informs.


Members of "Edinaya Russia" Sergey Neverov, Michael Grishankov, Andrey Isaev and Irina Jarovaja ask the public prosecutor to find out, whether "Maybach" is in Zhirinovsky's property or the car is rented. In the first case they demand to check up, what means were used to get the vehicle, in the second - to study the contract of rent in order to check up it conformity to market prices.


"All vice-presidents of the State Duma are provided for motor transport at the expense of public funds and usage of vehicles belonging to commercial companies, in our opinion, state employees of category "A" to which V.V.Zhirinovsky belongs is possible only on terms of rent by the State Duma", - is said in the statement of a group of members of parliament.

Authors of the inquiry refer to the expert estimations placed in a number of mass-media according to which the cost of the car used by Zhirinovsky makes more than 35 million roubles.

On December, 16th other deputy from fraction "Edinaya Russia" Michael Grishankov acted with the request to check up origin of the car of Zhirinovsky by the Duma commission on corruption counteraction. However the speaker of the lower chamber of parliament Boris Gryzlov refused the deputy in intraparliamentary investigation, having declared that that question is out of the competence of the Duma commission.


From editorial board: Certainly, delight! "Edinaya Russia" began real fight against corruption. However, not in own numbers but in the neighbouring. Well, it's clear, Zhirinovsky - known corrupted person, everything depends in our country on him. By the way, the deputy of fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation comrade Muravlenko also uses "Maybach".


While the fact that the governor of the Samara region appointed recently Vladimir Artyakov goes on armour Mercedes S600 Guard which cost area budget 22 million 500 thousand roubles does not concern "Edinaya Russia", though mass-media wrote about it.


Mercedes S600 Pullman Guard which Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev use costs about one and a half million euro. It is very interesting to learn, what conditions were to rent or to buy those cars and why Brezhnev went by domestic "ZIL" and "Chayka", while our "doublet" for some merits before Fatherland uses exclusively import car?

Ramzan Ahmatovich Kadyrov also has impressing car stock: "Lamborghini", "Ferrari", "Porsche Cayenne", not including different "Mercedes" and "Audi" - all in all about fifty cars. Here it is interesting, whether deputies - rights activists wish to write inquiry to the State Office of Public Prosecutor? Or, maybe, personally to go with deputy check?

There are also watches which are highly competitive with prices for cars. Whether deputies of ER wish to take an interest in their origin as the press has already wrote about them in detail and with photos?

Something prompts me that they do not want...

While Zhirinovsky is just in time for bringing out into the open... Though we believe that origin of his "Maybach" will be very soon cleared up - several years ago he was presented black "Zaporozhets". After a series of tunings it has turned into "Maybach". It happens so. It will be necessary to apologize for absolutely groundless suspicions.

It happens so that declaration of the president specifies his annual income which can't explain numerous "Breguet" of him and his wife. But everybody understand that it is a fruit of his exclusive modesty and thrift...



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