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Bright World of the 21st Century: 137 Countries Use Slaves

Bright World of the 21st Century: 137 Countries Use Slaves

Slavery, in a literal sense of this word, became a sign of a new post-industrial epoch all over the world. While some enjoy "marvellous new world", others study an epoch of slave ownership from position of the slave. But if in the 19-th century Black Africa was the main supplier of slaves, now it’s – a former socialist camp, mainly former USSR. In the Ukraineannually in hands of modern slave-sellers get nearby 117 thousand people, in Moldova- 57 thousand, in Romania- 28 thousand, in Belarus– 14 thousand, in Bulgaria– 9.5 thousand. These are the data given by International Organization of Migration.   

Especially movingly it looks after "successes" of orange revolution in the Ukraineand introduction of Romaniawith Bulgariaas full members into EU. Probably, developed slave-trade does not interfere...

In these 5 countries of the East Europenearby 225 thousand people the majority from which are women and children annually become victims of trade of people. Researchers came to conclusion that the Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Moldavians, the Bulgarians and the Romanian are more actively sold by malefactors for works on farms, forced to be engaged in prostitution and begging.

It turns out that during 17 years of "independency" about 2 million of the Ukrainian citizens tried on themselves a destiny of a slave. And only 5 countries-leaders of slave-trade during the period of "reforms" supplied world slave-market with 4 million slaves.

By estimations of the United Nations, people are sold in slavery (abducted, allured, etc.) in 127 countries of the world and in 137 states foreign victims are being exploited.

In 11 states "very high" level of activity of kidnappers is being observed, among them are - Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Moldovaand Lithuania. In Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstanand Uzbekistanthis level "is simply high".

10 states are favourite place of transfer of modern slaves, among them are - the USA, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Japan, Germany, Greece.
In other::