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The Pentagon Is Going to Deliver Nuclear Strike against Iran

The Pentagon Is Going to Deliver Nuclear Strike against Iran

The Pentagon has already defined basic targets for the deliver of strikes across Iranin case it will not be possible to convince Teheran by means of diplomacy to refuse from the nuclear program, BBC News informs referring to anonymous source in military department. According to the edition, the targets of rocket impacts will be not only the objects referring to the nuclear program of this country but also practically all military infrastructure. If confrontation around nuclear program of Iranwill not be settled by means of diplomatic levers, the USAwon’t restrict themselves by bomb strikes against well-known and potential nuclear objects but will go further, BBC informs.

According to the high-ranking military man, in case of the beginning of military actions against Iran rocket impacts first of all will be put on the objects which have relation to the nuclear program of this country, among them are: uranium enrichment plants in Natanets and Isfahan as well as objects in Iraq and Bushera.

However, he said that the USAwon’t restrict themselves to bombardments of these objects. Rocket impacts will be also delivered on military infrastructure ofIran- on military-air and naval bases, objects of anti-aircraft defence and military plants. The list of such targets has been already agreed with Central command of the American Army.  

As BBC News informs, sources in foreign policy department of the USAwished to be unknown declared that as a signal for the beginning of the American bombardments of Iranwould become any confirmation of the fact that the country managed to create nuclear weapon. Besides military campaign against Irancan begin in case if there will appear weighty proofs confirming that the Iranian management directly supports Iraqinsurgents, in particular, delivering them weapon.

As experts of FORUM.msk considers, as soon as previous massed bombing attack delivered against Iraq, obviously having no weapon of mass defeat, was the most powerful in the history of wars, the economy of the USA cannot simply create something greater, than what was already applied against Bagdad. It is necessary to expect that the American military men meant tactical nuclear charges, i.e. confirmed readiness to use against Iraqnuclear weapon.

It is necessary also to note that nuclear weapon was not applied in wars on a planet for 62 years already when for the first time the Air Forces of the USAused them against Japan.

The position of Putin’s diplomacy in the given question will be, probably, similar to the one during the events in Iraq- indignant rhetoric and support of the USAby inactivity and non-rendering necessary help to Iraq.

It’s was not accidentally that there was in this key anonymous message about nonpayments by Iranof the works made by company "Atomstroyexport". Teheran immediately denied information that the party didn’t make any payments for more than a month for the construction of nuclear station in Bushera. Assistant of the chapter of the Iranian organization of atomic engineering Mohammed Saidi emphasized that payments to the company "Atomstroyexport” was being made in time and on the basis of schedule. However,Putin’s diplomacy received a motive for betrayal.

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