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Vodka Will Go up after New Year

Vodka Will Go up after New Year

Since January, 1st, 2010 vodka in retail will cost not less than 89 roubles for half litre. If a bottle is different, price floor will be calculated proportionally to its capacity. It's a decree of the Federal Agency on Regulation of alcoholic market to establish price floor for vodka for retail.

Price floor introduction is only the first of a complex of measures accepted by the governmental commission on regulation of alcoholic market. All of them will be entered in 2010.

There was in 1998 an experience to enter control price floor in Russia - about 20 roubles for a bottle. Sellers who sold vodka cheaply were fined. Then such method of struggle against illegal deliveries appeared effective - in 1999 the market of legal vodka, according to experts, grew at once by 60%. However, soon the practice was given up.

From editorial board: Renunciation of state monopoly for vodka was, of course, enchanting idiocy and it is very strange that our advocates of justice recollect Chubays at every turn, while history manages to hide the names of those most worthy people whose hands devastated the state budget and sent less than one million compatriots to kingdom come.


By the way, state monopoly for vodka - far not Bolsheviks' invention. Wine monopoly - preference of the state to sale of strong spirits - was established for the first time in Russia in 1470s years. In 1895 the state monopoly for alcohol sale was last time entered in Russia. With its introduction so-called "drinkable income" became an important source of replenishment of the state budget: in 1900 - 85 million rbl. (11% of budgetary incomes), in 1913 - 750 million rbl. (22,1%). In 1914 for the period of war state vodka trade was stopped and "prohibition" was imposed.

After Civil war the state monopoly was restored. It should be said that since then several generations of the Soviet people did not hear at all what "unlicensed" vodka means - there was a rigid state standard on it and all manufacturers (exclusively state ones) carefully adhered to it.

On July, 7th, 1992 the Russian Federation following the decree of Boris Yeltsin refused the state monopoly for vodka. Losses of the budget and human losses is difficult to estimate today. If now state monopoly returned, about 30 billion roubles would additionally enter the federal budget. In Germany and some states of the USA, by the way, where alcohol turnover is supervised by the state, unlicensed alcohol is not present at all.

However present rise in prices for "reliable" vodka can't be comparable to establishment of the state monopoly - it's a weak and ineffective measure. "Unlicensed" vodka will not disappear from the markets, budget incomes will not increase considerably, while consumers of strong alcohol will feel it rather distinctly.

It would seem why not to return the state monopoly? After all there are a lot of pro and no contras? But as it is found out, the state created by Yeltsin, strengthened by Putin and varnished slightly by Medvedev has no forces and possibilities for this purpose - vodka mafia is elementary stronger than this state. Certainly, mafia has no tanks and ОМОN but when it is necessary to act passing over brute force, this state loses mafia completely. Neither tanks, nor special services are necessary - if there is money, everything can be bought or "leased" from the same state.

In Brezhnev's time there was a rhyme about the price for vodka: Even if it will be eight, We will not stop drinking. When it will be twenty five, We will storm Zimny!


What will we do not, when it costs 89 roubles? Happy New Year!


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