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Putin's Government "Prepared" for Winder: Even Duma Was Flooded

Putin's Government "Prepared" for Winder: Even Duma Was Flooded

The first 20-degree frosts caused numerous breaks of steam-heat pipes in the State Duma building. Systems of voting and sound supplying of a hall of plenary session are flooded, a source in the chamber machinery informed.


Pipes broke through yesterday night in so-called new building of the State Duma on the fifth floor. Part of the technique became worthless in offices on the fourth floor where representatives of some news agencies work, facing ceiling panels fell off, wall-paper slipped from the walls. Part of the furniture - tables and armchairs - is strongly damaged, parquet swelled.


Now hot water flows from the ceiling in the passage between two buildings of the State Duma where exhibition-sale of fur coats passes. Sellers are compelled to remove things aside from a stream flowing on a floor. Traces of leakings are visible also in the lobby of a new building, yellow spots could be seen on the ceiling and white rags lie on the floor, RIA "News" transfers.


As "Interfax" informs, because of waterpipe break in the new building of the State Duma plenary session of the State Duma on Wednesday can be postponed, workers of technical services of the lower chamber of parliament do not exclude.

From editorial board: We already wrote that Putin's government, called also "monthly government" (as it gathers with its full complement once in a month) completely ruined preparation for winter this season.

For Russians, practically knowing nothing about life, I'll tell - in our northern climate preparation for winter is the most important state function. In the Soviet period it was started in summer, in advance. All enterprises, all objects of housing and communal services according to operational schedule should spend variety of necessary actions, from repair of doors and windows to major repairs of heating systems. Even party journalists of all party newspapers were on business trips on the most different objects to supervise preparation for winter and to report on it in press - at that time newspapers had not only criminal and society column but also informed population about possibly not very fascinating but important things. Naturally, the question of preparation for winter necessarily was on the agenda of each session of each district committee, executive committee, regional committee, up to the government and the Central Committee during that period.

What do we have now?

Apparently, even in administrative office of the State Duma "experts" forget that it's necessary to prepare for winter, as it was found out after the first frosts - by the way, not too extraordinary for our widths.

As a whole on the country, according to the minister of regional development of the Russian Federation Victor Basargin, population run into debt for housing-and-municipal services nearby 60 billion roubles. Total debts make approximately 300 billion rbl., more than 60 million of them - population debts. That is there is a task before the ministry which should provide preparation for winter, how to do it having approximately minus 10 billion dollars? Apparently, money which should be allocated to housing-and-communal services since spring were not received by them totally - whence they could be gotten, in crisis? Our government rescued banks and oligarchical structures, unless it thought about next winter?

You will ask, what social consequences are? Well, imagine that you do not receive the salary or you receive it at a rate of a living wage, you have debts and problems, besides you was switched off heating in a frost or even worse - all system was defrozen, that is till spring the temperature in your house will be equal to the temperature in the street. Don't you want to set a couple of unpleasant questions to the authorities - personally and in sharp enough form?

Now about pleasant: since New year inhabitants of the apartment houses in Moscow with all conveniences will pay 5 roubles 8 copecks for one square metre instead of 4 roubles 24 copecks which they pay this year. Except the rent, tariffs for providing of hot water supply in 2010 for Muscovites will grow by 25.3% in comparison with 2009. The cost of cold water for Muscovites on the average will rise in price by 28,4% in 2010.

Inhabitants of province are more successful - today 50 percent of the Russians have no centralised water supply.

Tariffs for electricity for the population in Moscow will also be raised depending on the type of the oven in the apartment, they will grow in 2010 on the average by 14,5%.

The debts of Muscovites on payment of housing services at present make more than 940 million rbl., the press-service of department on economic policy and development of Moscow informed. Last year the sum of the debts was less by third in similar period. Now hundreds affairs about eviction of inhabitants of Moscow from their apartments for debts on housing services are brought into court.

In Moscow four persons suffered from chilblain for last 24 hours, one of them died.

While in Murmansk area the debts of 840 thousand inhabitants, with babies and old men for coal, black oil and electricity as a whole makes about 2 billion roubles (about 2400 roubles on each inhabitant).

Experts sounded a cause of accident on the central boiler-house in Chigiri of the Blagoveshchensk area. Electric motors on three fans, smoke sucker and network pump failed. It was found out tin the course of failure liquidation that there is no necessary emergency-technical stock on the object. For this reason liquidation of accident lasted for long, one of the coppers was placed in operation only after more than 12 hours. The central Chigirinsky boiler-house provides with heat almost 3 thousand inhabitants and a number of social objects. Money for Chigiri for preparation for a cold season in size of 1 million 200 thousand were directed to the area in full...

According to official information of the Central Department of the Russian Emergency Ministry in the Novosibirsk region, as a result of failure on a heating main in Kolyvan 53 objects, among them 20 multiflat apartment houses, school, a recreation centre, library and a kindergarten are without heating now. 386 people live in the area of switching-off. Numerous breaking though took place on a heat conductor of a heating main of boiler-house № 1 "Youth". The cause of accident - sharp fall of temperature. Failure showed an extreme deterioration of infrastructure of housing and communal services and difference in estimations of this threat by officials, experts of the Russian Emergency Ministry and local residents.

Several houses in city centre Pushkin remain without heating for already two days. Because of the failure of the heating systems which occurred in October parkway, the temperature in the apartments fell to 10 degrees.

In the settlement Komsomolsk-on-Pechora in Komi 35 apartment houses remained without heat. Failure on gas pipeline became its cause. Thus air temperature here went down to minus 47 degrees.

In Kaluga there was an emergency caused by strong frosts: break though of the main waterpipe in microdistrict Turynino. According to the town governor, similar accident can deprive the centre and a lot of other parts of the city heat and water.

The winter only has begun...


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