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The Workers of the Crush Stone Plant in Primorsky Kray Went of Hunger-Strike

The Workers of the Crush Stone Plant in Primorsky Kray Went of Hunger-Strike

13 workers of Retihovsky crush stone plant situated in Primorski Kray went on hunger strike. They demand repayment of debts on wages, RIA News transfers. The debt of the enterprise on the salary makes up about 1,5 million roubles, the wages were not paid for some months. Since December, 25th workers were simply sent on holidays without preservation of the maintenance for uncertain period. Only the watchmen of the stone factory do not starve. The rest of the staff - all 13 people the second day drink only water.

The Office of Public Prosecutor of Primorsky Kray carries out preliminary check on the fact of nonpayment of salaries to workers of Retihovsky crush stone plant.

It is already established that, really, from September till December, 2006 the workers of the factory were not given the salary. As this term makes over two months, check is carried out according to the requirements stipulated Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, Irina Nomokonova - the senior assistant to the public prosecutor of Primorsky Kray informed. The Administration of the factory hasn’t given any comments on the situation created.

"The second day of hunger-strike is passing more difficultly than the first, - local radio informs, - some people have dizziness. But the workers haven’t seen doctors as well as their management on which searches forces of the Chernigov area spared. The workers don’t know where the heads of the plant are and why there is no money. The factory did not stand idle, there were enough orders, only there was no salary".

- Hunger-strikes of workers because of nonpayment of salaries became the frequent phenomenon in putin’s Russia where it is impossible to express the most lawful protest without the risk to get into the prison, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Actually to cause visible damage to the health – is the only thing people can do to draw attention to their distress. There are real mass-media in the country for a long time, newspapers and TV do everything what they are ordered to do. The law-enforcement system is closed for a society but is open for any forms of an arbitrariness and corruption. People are without money for some months, they actually beg in local shops asking to give them food on credit which they don’t know when and how will pay off. Meanwhile people who actually steal their work and their health, easily continue their "business" and all this occurs in view of local administration, law enforcement bodies, some fucking "civil society". And only when people start starvation it’s found out that they even have Public Prosecutor Office there! And it can bring an action!

FORUM.msk will follow the events.
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