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Left in the Ukraine Really Prepare Impeachment to the President

Left in the Ukraine Really Prepare Impeachment to the President

Not so many time ago, precisely on January, 10th of this year fraction of the Communist Party of the Ukraine suggested to declare impeachment to the president because of his vetos of the laws accepted by the Supreme Rada. Leader of the CPU Peter Simonenko declared that the Communist Party would initiate acceptance by parliament of the laws necessary for carrying out of procedure of impeachment of the head of the state. However, technologically impeachment is complicated by absence of certain order of procedures in the legislation. Thus, the Supreme Rada registered the bill of modification in the law about Constitutional Court.  

One of the authors of the bill - people's deputy, the head of fraction SPU in the Supreme Rada Ivan Bokij. In an explanatory note it is marked that the document has been developed "with the purpose of perfection of legal regulation of activity of the Constitutional Court" and for specification of its power limits. Among the tasks which the given law should solve there is a development of procedure of impeachment of the president.

The document also suggests limiting a bit the right of the president to appeal against and suspend a bill of the Cabinet.

Earlier the Socialist party of the Ukraine declared that it considered not necessary to bring today to the attention the question of impeachment of the President of the Ukraine. "I think that today it’s not necessary to bring to the attention the question of impeachment", - the leader of fraction SPU Ivan Bokij declared. After manifestation of the bill his words is possible to understand so: it is not necessary yet...

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