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The Largest Break Down in Energy Grid of Russia after Moscow Incident of the Year 2005, 400 Thousand Are Left without Electricity

The Largest Break Down in Energy Grid of Russia after Moscow Incident of the Year 2005, 400 Thousand Are Left without Electricity

Settlements of the Black Sea - from Tuapse up to Adler were left without light. Exact data about the quantity of people whom was affected by energy break down are not known right now. However, only in Sochi there are about 400 thousand inhabitants. It’s the largest incident in Russian energy systems from the moment of Moscow breakdown in 2005. However, unlike Moscow events on May, 25th new break down occurred at the height of winter. It’s 2 degrees below zero in Sochi today up during the day and up to 4 degrees below zero at night.

Light in houses and institutions including the building of town council in Sochi went out at about 5 p.m. They managed to restore energy supply of Black Sea coast quite soon but only for a half of an hour. After that the light went out again. 

It was originally supposed that sticking of a snow to wires appeared to be the reason of such situation: as soon as it’s a reason for the majority of winter Sochi power break downs. Really, all over a week the city is periodically attacked by snow mixed up with rain. All these are accompanied by almost storm impulses of a wind. That is the wind as experts of Sochi electric systems say became the main originator of the present "switching off". Here and there impulses of air streams reached 30 meters a second.

Two lines each of 220 kV and five ones of 110kV were damaged. Local energy specialists were at lost to give concrete terms of the repair of the lines. Wire breaks were also discovered over the river Shepsy and in other hard to approach places.

Five passenger trains overtaken by a bad weather at the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar territory on January, 30th will be transported to the station Tuapse by means of diesel locomotives. Power supply of the railway was originally restored at 6.10 p.m. but soon stopped again. Then the electric power was submitted at 7.15 p.m., one more attempt was done at 7.50 p.m. After that a decision was taken to direct to the area of break down diesel locomotives and with their help to tow off waggonage to station Tuapse.

There is also one more problem which complicates repair works - movement of motor transport is closed on federal motor way "Don" in the area of Moldovanovsky pass, as a result of plentiful deposits fall-outs snow drifts were formed. Movement from a town Goryachy Kluch aside the settlement Dzhubgi has been stopped before the end of cleaning of snow. The period needed for cleaning is not specified but it’s hardly possible that something will be done at night.

It is necessary to note that in the times of Integrated power grid of the USSR such situation would be solved by switching of the Black Sea coast in area of Bolshoj Sochi on power supply from Georgia. Today it looks as unscientific fantasy.

Well and the most curious thing - if similar will occur during Winter Olympiad Sochi claims for?  

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