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In Different Regions of the RF Cops More and More Persistently Prove That They Are the Main Law-Offenders

In Different Regions of the RF Cops More and More Persistently Prove That They Are the Main Law-Offenders

In Pushkin situated in the suburb of St.-Petersburg militiamen severely beat well-known miniature-painter Andrey Rykovanov. The master asserts that militiamen for several hours have been perfecting self-defence technique in the local militia station. In militia they deny it and complain of the artist - he was drunk, made a lot of noise and tried to kick the militiaman. Now Rykovanov is under recognisance not to leave and wrote the complaint to the public prosecutor of a city, "The Fifth Channel" informs.

As the artist informed television channel, he was going home in the evening, when he was stopped by a patrol car on the crossing of October Parkway and Tserkovnaya Stree. The police officer demanded to show passport. But that day the artist forgot all documents at home. Rykovanov tried to hint that he's very known person. But patrolman did not believe and decided to establish identity of the suspicious passer-by in the militia station.

Rykovanov says that he tried to break free and militia officers applied painful technique which caused severe pain in a thorax. The artist assures that they continue beating him in the station for several hours. And some even perfected difficult techniques from sambo-wrestling and judo.

Meanwhile, major of militia who was on duty that night declared to television channel that there was nobody that night to beat Rykovanov. Officer assures that the artist as though jumped salty. He was heavily drunk. He constantly swore, shouted and continually tried to kick the police officer. Now he has all chances to stay in prison for such a behaviour for five years.

Now Andrey Rykovanov is under recognisance not to leave. In reply he wrote the complaint to the public prosecutor of the city where he asks to punish militiamen who at first beat arrested person, then accuse him of attack.


"They beat on the feet, hands, pooped, into the breast, on the neck till I fainted..."

The artist wrote in the letter to known lawyer Marina Litvinovich who published it in the blog in "Live Journal": "Militiaman seized me by a collar, dropped to the earth and began pressing my thorax. I started choking feeling terrible physical pain, then there was a blow on the head and I ceased to perceive situation fainting. I found myself in subconscious state in handcuffs in the patrol car.

Then they pulled me out and pushed into another room. Further events I remember very, very vaguely. Some people - civil and militia holding my hands pushed me to and fro. Fat woman with black hair told something to me thrusting videocamera into my face. All the time my hands were in handcuffs. Then I was taken into the clean spacious room and two young men of 20-25 years began beating and offending me morally. They beat me on the feet, hands, pooped, beat me into the breast, on the neck with the boots till I fainted. I stress that all the time I was in handcuffs.


I regained conscious in the cell vaguely realising what has happened to me. Absence of a mobile phone, money, keys and a workshop, fear of the closed space provoked anxiety, strong palpitation and heartache. I felt ill.

The head was strongly aching, the breast was pressed. I was worried about heart, as I had had already heart attacks earlier. I worried about my family, after all I have a small daughter and I was deprived of the way of communication. At night a lot of people in the state of intoxication were taken to the cell during the night, they were indignant, knocked on a window, relieved themselves in the cell as they were not let out to go to the toilet.


On November, 9th they brought me to the Office of Public Prosecutor, young girls - inspector and the lawyer - setting leading questions made the report and asked me to sign it. Then they said that a criminal case under two articles - infliction of bodily harm and insult of the militiaman - was brought against me and it means imprisonment up to 5 years. However, if I will frankly admit the fault, I will receive de bene esse 1,5 year or I would be got a penalty. Therefore I should bring earning certificates from tax body, characteristic, the birth certificate of the daughter, registration at place of residence. They took recognisance not to leave and let me go".

In the same place, in the blog Litvinovich results full text of the complaint of the artist in the Office of Public Prosecutor of St.-Petersburg.

"I am not very well till now. The breast hurts a lot, those people pressed it strongly. It turns out, everyone can be stopped near to the house, be stolen, beaten, etc. I am already working over the microminiature on the motives of the event. On one side I will paint the sadist who beat me, on the other - uncle Stepa - the ideal militiaman whom all of us wish to see in the streets of our cities but who, seemingly, are not present in reality", - the artist told in the interview to "Moscow Komsomolets".

Master Andrey Rykovanov is known for his works: icon "Almighty" with the prayer text "Our Father" executed on two halves of poppy seed in the technique micropainting, in colour. It's the smallest icon in the world; icon "Almighty" with the text of the Lord's Prayer on a cut of rice grain; 17 Portraits of tsars and tsarinas of the Romanovs Dynasty executed on a cut of poppy seeds, the smallest in the world gallery of portraits, the Russian alphabet on a cut of poppy seed, Pushkin's poem "Talisman" on a cut of a rice seed. Technique of execution: micropainting in oil paints on a basis of poppy oil, using a brush made of one processed hair of a Siberian specie of the squirrel and others.

From editorial board: Even if to admit that different interpretations of the conflict which took place testify not in favour of the artist - there is a question, what System is it which deprive you of freedom for absence of passport? Here and now! Is it written down in some law? Why some uneducated people in ammunition have the right to change your plans for the evening? Whether we have - a curfew in the epoch of boarding of "guys from Petersburg"? Yes, we have "Militia Petersburg" in all its beauty - it seems that boys flied off the handle after the congress of "EdRu", pure cowboys, sheriffs! More and more persevering after such news become thoughts that not only profession, but even the name of militia should be subjected after revolution to serious revision - conceptual, formational...

Chronicle speaks for itself by headlines.

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