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Anton Surikov, the Author and Member of the Editorial Board of FORUM.msk, Died

Anton Surikov, the Author and Member of the Editorial Board of FORUM.msk, Died

On November, 23rd at about 6.00 p.m. Anton Viktorovich Surikov - constant author and a member of editorial board of FORUM.msk, bright publicist, one of the most outstanding experts in the field of strategic armaments, defensive industry and local conflicts, died.

He was born on May, 26th, 1961 in Moscow Region. The son of the former first deputy of director of Scientific-Technical Institute of Machine Industry Victor Surikov (today dead). In February, 1984 has graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (МАI) named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, speciality "mechanical engineer"; candidate of technical science (thesis had special theme and was defended in November, 1988 of the Academic council of the military unit №73790). Since summer, 1990 till September, 1996 worked at the Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies.

In the first half - middle of 90s years he repeatedly visited regions of confrontations on the Caucasus (in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorny Karabakh, the Chechen Republic), under A.Surikov's explanation - "for the purpose of protection of human rights and rendering assistance to victims of conflicts". Under newspaper "Version", in 1992 he ostensibly served under Sultan Sosnaliev's command, Minister of Defence of the Abkhazian Republic ("Sgovor" - "Version", N29, August, 3rd, 1999), operating ostensibly under a name Mansur, was responsible for diversionary activity of the Abkhazian separatists. A.Surikov's reaction in the interview to the newspaper "Tomorrow": "... I visited Abkhazia. I was in Gagry, Gantiadi, Leselidze, in Sukhumi and Tkvarcheli, but the way my actions were described by "Version" during these trips is at its door. The fact of fulfilment of some diversions by me should be confirmed, it couldn't be asserted without substantiation". ("Tomorrow", N22 (391).

Under the assertion of the newspaper "RT-TRIBUNE" ("The working Tribune", 20.10.98) ostensibly delivered arms to Afghanistan, the North Africa and also to Nagorny Karabakh where he contacted with the president of unrecognized republic of that time Nagorny Karabakh Robert Kocharyan.

In 1994 was recalled to Great Britain as involved scientific employee of the Department of defensive researches of Royal college of the London University. In 1995 published in Great Britain two monographs devoted to the Russian defensive policy.

Since 1994 simultaneously with the work at the Institute of the U.S. and Canadian Studies - the adviser, the assistant to the general director of the Institute of Defensive Researches (INOBIS) which was headed by father of A.Surikov - V.Surikov.

From the middle of 90s he starts to be published regularly in the Russian press, first of all in "Tomorrow" and "Pravda-5".

From 1995-1996 acted on behalf of so-called "research group "Felix" (the group stopped its existence in the summer of 1996).

Since September, 1996 to 1998 worked as the assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of II convocation, chairman of the committee of the State Duma on economic policy Jury Maslyukov.

Since September, 1998 - assistant to the first deputy of chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation J.Maslyukov (in Evgeny Primakov's government).

After resignation of E.Primakov's government retired from governmental body in May, 1999.

Since May, 1999 to 2000 worked as the adviser of the general director and general designer of FSUE "Russian Aircraft Constructing Corporation "Mig" of Nikolay F.Nikitin.

From February till April 2000 - the head of the committee of the State Duma on industry, building and high technologies (chairman of the Committee - J.Maslyukov).

In May, 2001 made sensational statement which appeared in press that high-ranking Russian military men were engaged in transportation of drugs from Afghanistan to Tajikistan.

In July, 2002 retired from public service.

Chairman of editorial board of "Pravda-Info" and the member of editorial board of FORUM.msk.

Military rank - colonel.

First-class councilor of state of the Russian Federation (from 1998).

The winner of the award of Lenin Komsomol (June, 1989).

Full member of Academy of Astronautics (2001).

Knew several foreign languages and languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The author of the book "Crime in Russia. The International Implications".

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