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Alexander Prohanov Refused to Enter "Federal Democratic Movement" Conceived by Berezovsky

Alexander Prohanov Refused to Enter "Federal Democratic Movement" Conceived by Berezovsky
Roeva Natalya 20.12.2006

In conversation with a member of Editorial council of "FORUM.msk", political scientist Anton Surikov the chief editor of the newspaper "Tomorrow", a writer Alexander Prokhanov categorically denied information published in "Alive Magazine" of Boris Berezovsky according to which he ostensibly had "preliminary arrangements on formation of Federal Democratic Movement".

In Berezovsky’s article ("Platon Elenin") under the title "So, Shall We Win?", in particular, is said that "the way of liberals to victory on the street - is an association with numerous movements of the left and national patriots". According to Boris Abramovich, "experience of cooperation of Stanislav Belkovsky and Garry Kasparov with NBP, АКМ, Movement Against Illegal Immigration and "Labour Russia" is necessary to continue and fix ".

In this connection runaway oligarch informed about the plans of creation of "Federal Democratic Movement" which should be joined by Berezovsky himself, his close colleague and representative inside Russia Stanislav Belkovsky, Victor Anpilov, Alexander Belov (Potkin), Edward Limonov, Ivan Rybkin and also a number of other well-known people including Prokhanov with whom, say, everything’s already discussed long time ago.

Meanwhile, Alexander Prokhanov says that nodoby has ever had any conversations about this matter. But if he would receive such a propsal, Prokhanov would not accept it. From his part Anton Surikov reacted to the appearence of Prokhanov’s surname in the list of newly created movement in the following way:

"It is typical "cheat" in the way Berezovsky and Belkovsky can do with the purpose to discredit Prokhanov and his project of "The Fifth Empire" and Putin's third term which he is engaged with now and we with Alexander Nagorny, Vladimir Filin and Ruslan Saidov actively help him". 

Meanwhile Boris Berezovsky approves that created by him together with Belkovsky "movement should become the beginning of originally democratic coalition behind the narrow frameworks of liberal ideology". In this occasion the oligarch writes:

"A great bulk of participants of the movement should become, first of all, present supporters of proimperous movements such as: "Nashi”, "Young Guards", "Local", "Russia Young". Having convinced of appeal and perspectivity of the given movement, it will be joined by, at least, 100 000 people. Work which has been already conducted today in these movements completely confirms the most optimistical forecasts.

Only today (on December, 17th) within the limits of the action of "Nashi" in Moscow about 7 000 brochures of the oppositional content issued as the literature of this youth movement were widespread. In distribution of brochures participated as oppositionists dressed as Santa Klaus and Snow Maiden, as the participants of the action of "Nashi" having joined the side of Russia (i.e. of Berezovsky with Belkovsky). Under reports of my colleagues, by the New year such work will be already carried out in many regions of Russia".
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