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100 Years Ago Was Born a Great Man Who Was Not Understood at His Life

100 Years Ago Was Born a Great Man Who Was Not Understood at His Life

Centenary of Leonid Ilich Brezhnev /1906-1982/ is being celebrated all over the world today. He appeared to be the most prominent figure of world politics of the second half of XX century - the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a Chairman of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR, etc, etc. At his life many mocked on the whole set of regalia and honorary titles belonged to Leonid Ilich. After a quarter of a century after his death they understood - all that was deserved by him.

After these long years we, having lost the great country, could say only one thing - "Forgive us, Leonid Ilich, for foul jokes and unavailability to work and defense, that we appeared to be unworthy to be your successors". To tell you the truth we appeared to be unworthy of a spittle…

In 1964 Leonid Brezhnev was elected the first secretary and in 1966 secretary general of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1977 he became a chairman of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSRthat is the head of the state. These posts he kept till his death in November, 1982. Before it there was a war, from the beginning to the very end – everything’s fair. Then the work in Moldavia, Kasakhstan followed: virgin lands, space – all that’s Brezhnev, not a secretary general by the time.  

Brezhnev's epoch made the USSRa real superstate – according to the basic economic parameters, military and industrial potential. A maximum of force and influence. The most powerful Strategic nuclear forces. The greatest and strongest army of the world. A maximum of planes, tanks, submarines. Leading position in space.

Even pity rests of what was saved up by Brezhnev's epoch do the present Russian Federationserious force in world politics.

There is nothing to argue about. Epoch of bankrupts is rubbing miserable snot on the grave of a giant.
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