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Inadequacy Becomes Real Threat to the World

Inadequacy Becomes Real Threat to the World

At least, 7 people died and more than 20 got wounds of various severity level as a result of bombardment in the territory of military base in Fort Hood, the State of Texas. As information agency Reuters reports, one attacking was detained, two more are free for the time. Incident occurred during the ceremony on occasion of termination of basic training. Several people suddenly whipped up weapon and started shooting at large at all present.


Fort Hood is situated in the State of Texas between the cities of Austin and Vako, it is one of the largest military bases of the USA, 100 thousand military men are there by the time. At least, two attacking managed to leave but all of them are still on military base. Fire-fight proceeds.


There is a question - what do they want? Do they think that three of them will manage to shoot down 100 thousand soldiers? Or that having shot down two tens people, they can disappear on the military base which is situated, as a matter of fact, in desert?

Well, now let's imagine that such inadequate behaviour would be shown by employees of some nuclear centre or a launcher of ballistic missiles. Why not?

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslav Sikorsky, acting in the Center of strategic and international researches in Washington, urged NATO to place armies in the Central Europe that, in his opinion, will underline importance of the region for NATO. Under messages of mass-media, Sikorsky also declared that special concern of Poland was caused by recent Russian-Belarus military maneuvers and consequently "Poland would like to place in its territory the army of the USA which could become a board from possible aggression from the part of Russia".

That statement made everybody stunned everywhere - both in the USA and in the Russian Federation. The American ambassador in Russia John Beyrle managed to murmur something like: "For us Poland - the ally, a member of NATO but placing there the American soldiers would be connected with the fact that we would like to assist to the plans of Poles in modernisation of their armies". He also added: "It is not connected with any external threat which does not exist at all".

Minister Lavrov also was, probably, astonished: "I know Sikorsky, he always made upon me an impression of a person who has experience and understanding in relation to those processes which occur, - ITAR-TASS quotes Lavrov. - Therefore before to make comments on these statements, I would like to be convinced that he really said it. If he said it, it plunges me into deep amazement because we spoke with him in detail about those problems which need to be solved in the context of the European safety, about those purposes which are pursued by the initiative of Russia to sign new contract on European safety, about our position on antimissile defense. It seemed to me that he understands quite well what we were talking about. Therefore, before to do more detailed comments and to make judgements, I would like to read literal recital of what was said".

After all it is NATO country, a stronghold of America in the Eastern Europe, "mature democracy".

Not only the Russian Federation suffers. The world famous chansonnier and in combination the ambassador of Armenia in Switzerland Charles Aznavur laid Turkey territorial claims on the air of the Italian television channel RAI 3, newspaper Hurriyet transfers. Having expressed satisfaction with the Armenian-Turkish reports signed on October, 10th in Zurich, Aznavur noticed that in 1924, when he was born "Armenians were promised to get lands back but it did not occur till now".

"I cannot wait another 85 years. In 1924 Stalin promised that Erzrum, Erznkan, Agra, Sivas (Sebastia), Elazig (Hurbard), Diarbekir (Tigranakert), Bitlis, Siirt, Mush, Van and Hakkari will be returned to the Armenians. According to the Sevrsky agreement „Wilson's Armenia" would include also provinces of Trabzon, Erzruma, Vana and Bitlisa", - Aznavur noted having demanded insolently from Turkish Republic to refuse approximately half of its territory under "word of honour" of comrade Stalin.

Let's notice now that 21st century will pass under steady expansion of a number of countries possessing nuclear weapon. Already today such solid modes as Pakistan and Democratic People's Republic of Korea which will be joined in the near future by Iran could be named nuclear powers. They speak aloud about nuclear programs of Ukraine and Romania, Syria and the republic of South Africa. In general, to the middle of century and even earlier Poland and Armenia will deal also with it. Well, whether nobody else has claims? Poland has absolutely well-founded historical claims to Smolensk, Sweden to Leningrad region and Novgorod, Turkey to the half of Ukraine and Azov, we are not talking about Mongolia...

But the most cheerful time will come, when nuclear devices will appear in the hands of private structures and public organisations. Fuff, to organize shooting on the oath... It is possible after all to use nuclear bomb!.


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