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Kiev on the Eve of "Holodomor"

Kiev on the Eve of "Holodomor"

Joint Stock Company "Kievenergy" declares that the further restriction of deliveries of gas by the organizations-suppliers will lead to full emergency switching-off of all power equipment of the company. Affiliated National joint-stock company of "Naftogaz Ukraine" the company "Gas of Ukraine" since December, 1st has limited deliveries of gas on thermal power plant-5 and thermal power plant-6 (TPP-5, TPP-6) which are under the management of energy supplying company "Kievenergy". Already on December, 4th restriction of deliveries of gas led to the stoppage of energy unit 100 mW TPP-6.

The reason of such sharp restriction of deliveries is the debts in the sum of 75 million hryvnyas for the consumed natural gas which has arisen for last 10 days of November, 2006.

"Kievenergy" notes that the payment for the delivered by "Gas of Ukraine" gas as of December, 1st makes about 94% that is considerably more than percent of payment in other regions of Ukraine.

According to the message, such actions of gas supplying and gas-transport organizations can lead to the failure of the dispatching schedule of a heat supply, faults in power supply of Kiev at the height of the heating period and also to occurrence of a social pressure among city inhabitants.

Besides restriction of deliveries of gas by means of compulsory decrease of pressure of natural gas from the part of gas supplying organizations can lead to infringements of the temperature schedule of a heat supply, an overload of the basic network 110 kW, to the decrease of reliability of supply of electric energy of consumers of Kiev, in particular objects of special state value and objects of social sphere.

As of December, 4th from 6 power units 3 ones don’t work because of absence of gas, the others work on a technical minimum. The subsequent restriction of gas deliveries will lead to full emergency switching-off of all power equipment of "Kievenerhy", to disorder of a power system of energy unit 330kW in Kiev and to the separation of stations from the general power supply system.

The power system of Ukraine as a whole represents up to a limit worn out, constantly being in partially emergency condition structure. Any additional problem threatens to put it out of order once and for ever.

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