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12 Putin’s Instructions

12 Putin’s Instructions
Baranov Anatoly 28.11.2006

On Thursday the press-service of the president of Russia published the list of twelve instructions of Vladimir Putin addressed to the government, the State Office of Public Prosecutor, plenipotentiaries of the president in federal districts, to chapters of territorial subjects of the Russian Federations approved on the results of "Direct Line" with the president which took place in October, 25th. We shall remind that today is the 24th of November, 2 months passed. "Direct Line" was the fifth during less than 7 years of presidency. After all "care" of people turned out to be a bit strained as constipation and unnatural as jugs in porn films.  

Now let’s talk more detailed about "12 Putin’s Instructions" as they, probably, very soon will be called by analogy to "10 Stalin’s Impacts".

One of these instructions concerns constructions of the new airport in Irkutsk raised by Putin in reply to a question of the veteran of civil aviation Evgeny Javlovsky. Investigation of the air accident of the "Airbus" happened in Irkutsk has just ended. The crew has been accused in the accident but it’s evident to everybody that the air bus elementary has been short of the length of a runway. So, the question with the airport had been ripened long time ago and there was no need to conceal it under the question of the veteran.

Marina Shitikova who has trainings in Ekaterinburg patriotic club "Sokol" complained that it should be taken down. Now the president charged the officials to assist the club. I.e. it’s most likely that it will be taken down all the same but if this business has reached the president, than some other premise will be found instead. There will be elections in March in the region and scandal with club already has acquired publicity unpleasant for authorities - now a question "solved" by the president will be written down in an active of "party in power".

Putin promised not to forget this category of citizens to which the participant of the World War II Sergey Alekseevich from Bryansk who asked about increase of pensions to workers of the rear area. The president gave an instruction "to present offers on increase of a level of a provision of pensions of people who used to work in rear area during the World War II". Well, it’s rather actual in 62 years after the war. Whether they “forgot” about veterans while the 60 anniversary of the Victory which was celebrated with such pomp and took place during the second Putin's term? Or they were given another present – a law about monetarization of privileges?

The president also suggested the officials to get engaged with the question of surcharges to teachers, demanded to settle things with counterfeit alcohol, taxes on country sites and with the rights of the deceived so investors. It appears to be so simple, just - "charged the officials". And up to this moment who was in charge of it - the grooms? Or philatelists? By the way, while the president "thought" whether to charge or not to charge the officials to settle things with counterfeit vodka, some thousand fellow citizens already got poisoned by it after "direct line". May be it's not necessary to hurry up with this charge? To wait for some time and then to ask morbid anatomists to settle?

Besides Putin charged subordinates "to analyze an investigatory practice and together with the Supreme court of the Russian Federation judiciary practice of consideration of the criminal cases connected with extremist activity. By the results of the analysis to present proposals". And here’s where I trust the president – they will investigate and go to the end. They will offer – to give somebody "three", somebody "five" and somebody "straight forward".

In other::