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Authorities in Moscow Admitted Falsifications of Elections Where They Were Caught with Hand in the Till

Authorities in Moscow Admitted Falsifications of Elections Where They Were Caught with Hand in the Till

Chamovnichesky court of Moscow cancelled the decision of the commission on voting results of the polling district №192 and obliged Territorial election committee of Chamovnichesky area to carry out repeated counting of the votes. The leader of the party "Yabloko" Sergey Mitrokhin with his family voted on that district, however according to the report there was not votes for "Yabloko".


S.Mitrokhin who was present at the court hall expressed hope that "similar decisions will be accepted in respect of all districts where discrepancies between official results and reports of the observers were found, as well as there where final protocols were documented with numerous infringements".


Only according to the party "Yabloko", Mitrokhin reminded, there are essential discrepancies between the protocols received by observers and official results of voting published on the site of Moscow City Election Commission on 18 districts. On 225 districts more protocols were documented with rough infringement of election legislation.


"We know that other parties have numerous similar data", - Mitrokhin noted.

Recalculation of bulletins of the polling board №192 will take place on October, 23rd at ten o'clock in the morning in the Territorial Election Commission located at: Prechistenka Street, 14, room 7а.

Moscow City Election Committee will direct materials on 38 polling districts where there are discrepancies in the results of elections for Moscow City Council of the fifth convocation which took place on October, 11th.

As per resolution of city election committee accepted on Thursday at its session, the results of voting presented by parties "AYabloko", LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation there are discrepancies in copies of protocols of voting results on 37 polling districts.

Moscow City Election Committee addresses Office of Public Prosecutor upon the publication in the newspaper "Moscovsky Komsomolets" in relation to one more district №1702.

In the meantime, the party "Yabloko" left meeting against falsification of elections, organized by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on Triumphal Square.

Despite preliminary agreements between party leader Sergey Mitrokhin and the first secretary of Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the deputy of the State Duma Vladimir Ulas that "Yabloko" is equal participant of the action, organizers of the meeting denied S.Mitrokhin to take the floor. After that all active members of the party "Yabloko" left Triumphal Square.

"Obviously communists do not wish to counteract really to falsifications of elections on October, 11th, they just use the meeting as an occasion for self-promotion. We are not going to participate in these public relations of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation», - S.Mitrokhin declared.

- By and large, Mitrokhin is right in relation to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation which "swallowed" falsifications not recalling its deputies from Moscow City Council, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed in the given occasion. - But it's possible to say the same in relation to Mitrokhin and his party - there is no saying whom "Yabloko" fight with on these elections - with the party in power or with "Solidarnost". At such confusion inside opposition there's no hope for effective counteraction to the power - at any moment someone will necessarily betray, someone will be necessarily bribed. One recollects at once that Mitrokhin with his fraction in last structure of Moscow City Council voted for Luzhkov. There was no real opposition on those elections, either right, or left - only simulators. But all the same scandal turned out to be serious - authorities in Moscow, on the one hand, obviously lost any popularity among people, on the other - they got smart down to the limit. Certainly, cancellation of elections on three-four tens districts when there are one and a half thousand of them in Moscow does not matter. But it proves for sure - the same things took place practically everywhere, simply nobody managed to catch with hand in the till.


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