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Democrats Conquered the Senate of the USA, the State Duma Should Get Ready

Democrats Conquered the Senate of the USA, the State Duma Should Get Ready

Democratic Party of the USA won intermediate elections in Senate having established full control over the American Congress, Associated Press informs. Democratic Party received 51 places in the upper chamber against 49 of the republicans. It will essentially affect policy of the USA including further communication with Russia. We shall remind that the destiny of the majority in the Senate was being resolved at calculation of voices in two states: Montana and Virginia. Earlier the democrat John Tester having left behind present senator from the Republican Party Conrad Burns won in Montana.

According to the results of calculation of bulletins in state of Virginia, the victory over the present senator from the Republicans George Allen was gained by the candidate from the Democrats Jim Webb. According to АР, Webb got support of one million 172 thousand 538 voters. One million 165 thousand 302 inhabitants of the state voted for Allen.

Nevertheless, as one of Georges Allen's assistants has told to the agency on conditions of anonymity, the senator is not going yet to recognize the defeat and will demand recalculation of voices. Thus, announcement of official results of elections in the Senate can be postponed till November, 27th.

Democrats have already received majority in the House of Representatives and for the first time since 1994 have received control over the Congress.

The victory of Democratic Party in the Congress opens it way to a victory in the future presidential elections, as George Bush-junior does not possess sufficient personal charisma and popularity so that affect essentially the situation.

Changes of a foreign policy of the USA forthcoming at the future victory of democrats will influence situation all over the world. Russia is not an exception. Most likely, it will mean return of the country to liberal economic policy but also to easing of administrative pressure on democratic institutes of the society. It will affect also the choice of the successor and Sergey Ivanov now is hardly can be the successor and together with him the project of the second "party in power" loses its sense. More likely that “Fare Russia” will be “junked”.

It’s highly probable that new political reality in America will influence Russia directly already on the elections to the State Duma. 

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