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We Open the Base of Protest Actions on the Territory of Russia

We Open the Base of Protest Actions on the Territory of Russia

This news seems to be not so important but for us it’s number one for today. At last we opened the base of protest actions. Meetings, pickets, hunger-strikes constantly take place in the country but there is no integral picture on all these obvious displays of public trouble. Certainly, there is no point to wait for creation of such picture from official media-resources. Opposition does not hurry up also. "It is necessary to finish with it", - we decided and took care of business.

Project of FORUM.msk together with the Department of Working and Trade-union movement of the CC of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Headquarters of protest actions and official portal of the Communist Party (KPRF.ru) - the list is open to public, the public interface is imported and here you are already the participant of the project. Naturally, we count on the participants of the Headquarters of protest actions: NBP, SKM (Union of Communistic Youth), RCRP, regional organizations of parties, trade unions. Especially we hope for participation of "Yabloko" and other liberal movements which are being today in firm opposition to the present regime.

The base represents complex enough system stratified according to regional principle and the types of actions. Any citizen can enter information there about forthcoming protest action and having received the password to place there the report of this action. The scheme is rigid: announcement - report (+ possible final documents). Journalism in this case is not welcomed - only rigid account: where, when, how many and what for. The aim is - to bring this dry and concrete information to a target audience and also to keep it in a form of structured record.

We suppose that the base will be used by a wide but nevertheless limited circle of people - active participants of protest movements, journalists, political scientists and sociologists. It – is the tool which we are going to use in work for the change of existing in Russia socio-political model. We ask to treat this tool with attention and care. However, spammers, please, don’t worry - materials, certainly, are on premoderation.

We will be glad for the notes on the work of the base and proposals on its improvements.

In other::