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By 2016 Number of Strategic Delivery Weapon of Strategic Missile Forces Will Decrease More Than Twice, While the Number of Warheads for Them - More Than Thrice

By 2016 Number of Strategic Delivery Weapon of Strategic Missile Forces Will Decrease More Than Twice, While the Number of Warheads for Them - More Than Thrice
Аnton Surikov 14.10.2009

As site Newsru.com informs, in December Rocket strategic forces will begin erection of rocket complex RS-24 with multiple warhead, commander-in-chief of Strategic Missile Forces lieutenant general Andrey Shvajchenko informed journalists on Monday. Erection will take place in Tejkovsky rocket unit, he specified. "Acceptance of intercontinental ballistic missile RS-24 into service will strengthen fighting possibilities of main attack force of Strategic Missile Forces. Together with monoblock rocket РS-12М2 "Poplar" already accepted into service of silo and mobile basing they will make basis of the main attack force of Strategic Missile Forces", - the general said.

Since 1998 till present time five rocket regiments of Tatishchevsky rocket unit armed with that rocket complex with launching silo came on duty and the sixth rocket regiment will come on duty in 2010, the general informed.

As he said, reequipment of regiments on land-based mobile missile system "Poplar-T" is being carried out in Tejkovsky rocket unit. In 2006 the first regiment came on duty there, last year - the second, by the end of this year it's planned to bring it up to regular structure of launchers. Thus, by the end of this year fighting structure of Strategic Missile Forces will have 68 rocket launchers of "Poplar-T" of silo and mobile basing, ITAR-TASS informs.

Earlier they in Strategic Missile Forces informed that reequipment of SMF on land-based mobile missile system "Poplar-T" will be finished to the end of 2009 and the new rocket complex with intercontinental ballistic missile RS-24 equipped with multiple warhead with fighting blocks of individual prompting will start to arrive.

By the end of 2016 new rocket complexes will make not less than 80 % in fighting structure of SMF, Shvajchenko continued. Speaking about basic priorities of development of SMF for the period till 2020, he named, in particular, maintenance of operational characteristics of rocket grouping, prolongation of terms of work of rocket complexes; reequipment on new rocket complexes of stationary and mobile basing; perfection of the system of battle management of armies and weapon.

"As to quantitative structure of perspective main attack force of SMF, it, certainly, will depend on those arrangements which will be registered in the new Russian-American Agreement on strategic offensive arms", - Shvajchenko underlined.

Comments of Anton Surikov: Ignorant people can seem that things are going on well in SMF or at least normally. It's not absolutely so.

1. RS-24 - slightly modified ICBM "Poplar-T", only with multiplied warhead of individual prompting.

2. They promise that by the end of 2010 60 pcs of ICBM "Poplar-T" will be on arms of SMF in mines in the Saratov region and 18 pcs of mobile ICBM "Poplar-T" in the Ivanovo area. On the other hand, there will be 80 % of new ICBM ("Poplar-T" and RS-24) and 20 % old ICMB (basically, UR-100N UTTH in the Kaluga region) in service of SMF. The most optimistic thing will be - if by 2016 SMF will accept on duty 40 ICBM RS-24 (actually this figure will be much less). Then the number of new ICBM will make about 120 rocket complexes.

3. If 120 ICBM is 80 %, then 150 ICBM - 100%: 120 new and 30 old ones.

150 strategic carriers in SMF in 2016 are more than twice (!) less than now!

4. In 2016 on these concrete 150pcs of strategic carriers of SMF will be established less than 400 nuclear warheads. It's more than three times (!) less than now!

As a note: Approximately in 2016-2018, according to Gate's plan in the field of ABM of the USA, anti-missile SM-3 Block IIA in a variant of sea and land basing really intended for protection of territory of the USA against retaliation of Strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation will come on duty.

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