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PyongyangCarried Out Tests of Nuclear Weapon Today

PyongyangCarried Out Tests of Nuclear Weapon Today

Today in the morning Northern Koreacarried out underground nuclear tests, - Central cable agency of the country informs. "Nuclear tests are a historical event which filled hearts of the Korean military and simple people with happiness. Test 100% was carried out due to our wisdom and technologies", - is said in the application of North-Korean agency. Tests passed successfully and no radioactive outflow was fixed.

As South-Korean agency Renhap with the reference to the Ministry of Defence informs, test, probably, was carried out near to the city Kilchzhu which is located in northeast part of Democratic People’s Republicof Korea. The source from the South-Korean Ministry of Defence announced that his department fixed this morning a powerful explosion in the area, RIA "News" informs. Kilchzhu is located in northeast part of Democratic People’s Republicof Korea. The government of South Koreaconvokes extreme session on Monday, Sinhua informs.

In its turn the Geological service of the USAdidn’t fix seismic activity in the territoryof Northern Koreawhere as it is supposed nuclear tests were carried out. But experts declare that it is impossible to approve that there was no explosion on this basis. According to experts, probably, the explosion was insufficiently powerful that is why sensor controls did not fixed it.

Let's remind that on the last Tuesday Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Democratic People’s Republicof Koreadistributed an application in which it is said that "in future Democratic People’s Republicof Koreain the field of scientific researches will carry out nuclear test at the condition that its safety will be reliably guaranteed". As Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Democratic People’s Republicof Koreadeclared these tests - the answer to the amplified animosities of the USAin relation to the North-Korean state. Earlier Pyongyangdeclared presence of the nuclear weapon, however it hasn’t carried out any test till now.

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