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The Agreement "Opposition Against Corruption" Has Been Signed. FORUM.msk Starts Executing Its Civil Duty

The Agreement "Opposition Against Corruption" Has Been Signed. FORUM.msk Starts Executing Its Civil Duty

On October, 3rd  in the office of fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federationin the State Duma a signing of the Agreement about joint actions on struggle against corruption took place. The Agreement was signed by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, "Yabloko", SPS, a number of public organizations, trade unions and mass media. All in all 25 signatures were put under the document.

Having addressed to those who were present with opening speech G.A.Zjuganov depicted corruption as all-permeating, system harm which affected all system of the government of the country, its political and public institutes.

The head of Moscowbranch of party "Yabloko" Sergey Mitrokhin in his speech supported G.A.Zjuganov's basic theses, we inform that he spoke on behalf of a capital branch of the party "because of technical reasons" but he didn’t doubt that the document would be ratified by the rest of the party in the near future.

As an example of activity of the corrupted authorities he mentioned recent removal of the list of "Yabloko" from elections in Kareliya where representatives of the party carried out especially active part in exposure of the graft and bribability of the officials.

Victor Ilyukhin on behalf of Movement for support of army declared that the authority had rotted through entirely and total corruption is an attribute of non possibility of introduction of reforms of this authority, necessity of its full replacement.

Michael Deljagin - a chairman of editorial staff of FoRuM.msk and the head of Instituteof Problemsof Globalization - characterizing a degree of the corruption affect of the Russian state and society said that "no matter what problem one studies, he obligatory comes against corruption. The main reason of absence of democratic institutes is corruption. The main reason of a sheer poverty of the majority of population is again corruption".

- Corruption became not a separate defect, - Deljagin considers, - but an essence and the content of Putin’s mode as a whole.

"What is the difference of "Edinaya Russia" from organized criminal community? – Deljagin put a rhetorical question. - Today the second corruption party is arising from the merge of RPZh, "Rodina” and a Party of Pensioners with some absolutely indecent abbreviation".

He was willingly added by G.Zjuganov: "In Sverdlovskarea for elections from the Party of the Life three persons were proposed in the central list and all three tried a case".

Speaking on behalf of SPS Boris Nadezhdin considered it necessary to note that he was for the first time present in fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation but he’s ready for the sake of such really burning question as struggle against corruption  to unite efforts with ideological opponents. Speaking about initiatives of today's authority on struggle against corruption he noticed that "it is very difficult to struggle against corruption if you yourself are corrupted”.

Further addressing to representatives of mass-media B.Nadezhdin appealed to them to execute their civic duty. The legislation of the Russian Federationdirectly obliges officials of all levels obligatory to give by inquiries of mass-media data about their incomes and property. Nadezhdin called journalists to address officials not taking into consideration the height of their position with the requirement to give to a society information about their today's property condition and incomes at the time of introduction into a post.

Finishing procedure of signing G.A.Zjuganov declared that about 80 organizations are ready to join the Agreement as well as a large group of prominent public and political figures personally. The agreement is open for signing.

FORUM.msk participating actively in the process of signing of the Agreement by all oppositional forces willingly responds to an appeal to execute its civic duty.

We address officially people occupying state posts:

- the chapter of Administration of the president and his assistants;

- the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, his assistants and federal ministers;

- the appointed heads of subjects of the Russian Federation

with the demand to give precise data about the property they possess on the rights of the owners as well as about properties of their families and money assets which they or the members of their families have at the present moment. And also about the property and money assets they had at the moment of entering a post.

If people mentioned do not give data demanded for their unconditional publication on their own accord, we shall demand from deputies of fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma to prepare official inquiry in the State Office of Public Prosecutor so that to obtain information in interest on demand and also to give legal estimation of a degree of infringement of the law in case of unaccordance of demanded data and possible legal consequences for the people mentioned.

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