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Russia Behaves As before War but It Looks Like It's Not Going to Fight

Russia Behaves As before War but It Looks Like It's Not Going to Fight

The third plane of the Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response with employees of embassy of Russia in Georgia and members of their families – all in all 38 people - left the airport of Tbilisi. Only two diplomats, two consular employees and security of the embassy are left in the Georgian capital. The ambassador of Russia in Georgia Vyacheslav Kovalenko is called back to Moscow for consultations. In his absence functions of the chapter of diplomatic mission will be carried out by Temporary Charge d'Affaires of Russia in Georgia Ivan Volynkin.

Employees of embassy and consulate, members of their families and also members of families of military men of Group of the Russian Armies in Transcaucasia are onboard of the last plane. Two groups of the Russian citizens have been evacuated from Tbilisi on Friday. According to the data specified by the Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response 84 persons including 43 children were brought to Moscow.

It is promised to evacuate all Russian citizens who will consider it unsafe to stay in Georgia. Commanding officer of the Group of the Russian Armies in Transcaucasia Andrey Popov, in his turn, declared: "Meanwhile it is impossible to speak about large-scale evacuation as soon as such measures are assumed in case of threat of starting of military actions". According to Popov, for today in three military garrisons in the territory of Georgia - Tbilisky, Batumsky and Ahalkaksky – there are about two thousand members of families of the Russian military men.

If there is or there’s no threat of military actions?

- There’s no such threat for the near future – that’s for sure, – chief editor of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers, - none state could begin war just out of the blue sky, none - even such extravagant as Putin’s Russia. All the same some preparations are necessary for the beginning of military actions: it is necessary to carry out at least concentration of armies, techniques, to carry out minimal rear preparations, to prepare minimally the staff for the future battlefield. All this demands time even for well organized and mobile army, for the Russian armed forces this target is not for a few days. Besides it’s hardly possible that military actions against the sovereign country, such as Georgia, will be possible to call "counter-terrorist operation" and to do without approval of parliament. It also demands time.

"Well and the third, - A.Baranov continued, - the Russian authorities, obviously, understood that they were forced to accept somebody’s else game - Georgian security officials carried out deliberately rough action in relation to the Russian militarians and expected precisely similar reaction from Russia. The documents about speedy introduction of Georgia in NATO are brought to the Senate of the USA, probably, they are supposed to shut eyes on some "trifles" interfering this introduction, such as 2 not settled territorial conflicts and location on its territory of foreign military base. Now, Georgia can be accepted in NATO in accelerated and facilitated order under the "threat" of military intrusion from Russia. In simple words, to stop this process can only war. And we shall see soon to what extend the Russian authorities are consecutive in defending of interests of the country - meanwhile they "play" in Georgia exceptionally against the Russian interests".
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