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The Georgians Will Be Gotten in the Toilet?

The Georgians Will Be Gotten in the Toilet?

Today Russia begins evacuation of employees of embassy in Georgia and members of their families. The ambassador of the Russian Federation in Tbilisi Vyacheslav Kovalenko who the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation calls off for consultations in connection with sharp aggravation of the Russian-Georgian relations arrives to Moscow together with them.

The reason for such measures from the side of Russia became arrests of six Russian military men on charge in espionage and cap-and-dagger activities.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with situation arisen recommends citizens of the Russian Federation to refrain from trips to Georgia.

"In connection with the increased safety risk of employees of the Russian establishments in Georgia and members of their families it was decided to begin their partial evacuation from the country. The first flights of planes of the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response of Russia in these purposes are planned for September, 29th", - is stated in the message of the ministry.

As minister counsellor of embassy of the Russian Federation in Georgia Ivan Volynkin informed RIA News, the start of the plane of Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response of Russia with families of the Russian diplomats from Tbilisi was planned on Friday 4:00 p.m. of Moscow time.

"The start of the plane of Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Response with some of the families of the Russian diplomats from Tbilisi is planned on Friday at 4:00 p.m. By the same plane the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Tbilisi Vyacheslav Kovalenko will take off for Moscow", - the diplomat told.

"Banditism in Georgia acquired the state level... We have already warned and want to warn once again both military men and members of their families that they whenever possible won’t leave their apartments", - Ivanov declared answering a question of journalists about the instructions that are given to a group of the Russian armies in Transcaucasia in connection with detention by the Georgian side of the Russian military men. He also informed that at session of the Council Russia-NATO which would take place on Friday in Slovenia he’s going to pay one more time attention to “inadequate activity of Georgia in relation to the Russian military men”.

- The situation has come too far that one of the sides could settle it without serious reputation damage, - chief editor of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - For today it is obvious that Georgia has provoked sharp strain of relations with Russia which are worsening more and more every day. It’s hardly possible that Saakashvily and his environment seriously believe that real military collision with Russia leaves them any chances. Unless chances of the lifelong status of the political emigrant. That means that they received some firm guarantees that power intervention of Russia in the Georgian business will not be admitted. All these understand perfectly well in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, probably, also in the Kremlin. Nevertheless the Kremlin is on the bit of somebody's provocation. If now Moscow will be persuaded, then it will be possible to step on Russia on a world scene not only for Georgia but everyone in general. But how not be let to be persuaded? To enter into Georgia "limited contingent" with the slogan "We came to give you hot water, gas and electricity”? The Kremlin will hardly agree on it today, though we won’t wait for the response from NATO for long. Probably, the Kremlin thinks that Washington in a course of development of situation will simply “suck in” Saakashvily. But still Russia will have to do something for it. But what? To organize blockade? To announce recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

"But if the Kremlin won’t have determination for anything then it will be the end of foreign policy of Putin” – A.Baranov supposes.
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