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Why Poland Is Not Russia: Protest Actions against Their Analogue of "Edinaya Russia"

Why Poland Is Not Russia: Protest Actions against Their Analogue of "Edinaya Russia"

On the night of Wednesday political crisis in connection with promulgation of scandalous video recording which was called among people as "film of truth" broke out in Poland. On Tuesday in the evening the program "Now we" ("Teraz my") belong to the largest national telechannel TVN was shown scandalous video recording made by candid camera where the chapter of a political Cabinet of the Prime Minister Adam Lipinski offers the deputy from party "Self-defense" Renata Beger) a post of the deputy of the Minister of Agriculture. Beger should leave “Self-defense” and enter the party “Right and Justice” which is headed by the Prime-Minister Yaroslav Kachinsky. That is the crisis was caused by the activity of “Edinaya Russia” after elections of 2003 which enlarged its fraction to the sizes of constitutional majority at the expense of enticement of deputies from other fractions.

Renata Beger agreed to participate in so-called "journalistic provocation" of telechannel TVN. After showing of scandalous record opposition demanded immediate resignation of the Prime Minister of the country Yaroslav Kachinsky, the brother-twin of the president of the country Leha Kachinsky. For the first time in history of Poland two night emergency press conferences took place in Seym.

Protest actions passed in Keltsy, Warsaw, Gdynia, Gdansk. In spite of the fact that participants of demonstrations had no official sanction of authorities for carrying out of actions, meetings passed without excesses. The police did not interfere with what was going on, only observed demonstrators. At a meeting with journalists the largest oppositional parliamentary party - liberal "Civil Platform" - demanded to call an extraordinary session of parliament and to vote for self-dissolution of Seym and carrying out of prescheduled elections.

Leader of CP Donald Tusk who lost presidential elections to one of the brothers Kachinsky categorically demanded immediate resignation of the ruling government. "It is political corruption, attempts of high government officials to buy up deputies are immoral", - Tusk said. In his opinion, in Poland "an extreme situation arose".

Answering a question of journalists about possible repetition in Warsaw of recent events in Hungary Tusk emphasized that CP "would like to avoid repetition of the Hungarian events" and "for this very reason demands carrying out of prescheduled election".

The government of Poland, nevertheless, is not going to retire in connection with the circumstances arisen. After disintegration of a governmental coalition which used to rule in the country a policy of the party "Right and Justice" started active "pulling" of deputies of Seym from other fractions to receive the majority during voting on the matter of trust to the government.
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