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Russia on Living Standards Gives Way to Romania, Belorussia and Albania

Russia on Living Standards Gives Way to Romania, Belorussia and Albania

According to the data of Human Development Report 2009 published on a site of the United Nations, five leaders - countries with very high level of development - were entered by Norway, Australia, Iceland, Canada and Ireland. On the sixth place are the Netherlands and on the seventh - Sweden. France and Switzerland appeared on the 8th and 9th place, Japan - on the 10th. The USA this year are not in the decile of the most developed states. They appeared on the 13th position.

It is remarkable that one of the largest European states - Germany - remains on the 22nd line of rating, still conceding to the Netherlands (6th place), Austria (14th), Spain (15th), Belgium (17th), Italy (18th) and Great Britain (21st).

Such report is being made annually by the Program of Development of the United Nations (PDUN). It contains the data about a standard of living and social security of inhabitants of various countries, indicators of health, educational level and cultural development of the population, criminality and preservation of environmental conditions. The basic indicators on making rating - life expectancy, gross national product per capita (at par purchasing capacity) and literacy level. At rating definition such factors, as freedom, dignity of a man and his possibility of participation in public life are also considered.

Average life expectancy of a person in Afghanistan is 43,6 years, in Niger - 50 years. For comparison: in Japan this indicator reaches 82,7 years, in Norway - 80 years.

For each dollar earned by inhabitant of Niger 74 dollars fall for a inhabitant of Norway. The highest level of gross national product per capita - 74,5 thousand dollars - is fixed in Liechtenstein where 35 thousand people live, there are 15 banks and over 100 companies on management of actives of rich people.

We are interested mostly in the second group of countries - with high level of development. Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia occupy accordingly the 40th, 46th and 48th place. The same list includes Belorussia - 68th place, Russia - on the 71st and Kazakhstan - on the 82th place.

Other post-Soviet countries got into the group of countries with average level of development. Thus Armenia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan occupied in that group leading positions, accordingly in the general list - the 84th, 85th and 86th places. Georgia appeared on the 89th place, Turkmenia - on the 109th and Moldova - on the 117th. Uzbekistan and Kirghizia - on the 119th and 120th places, and Tajikistan - on 127.

The list from 182 states is closed by Niger, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone - the countries with the lowest level of development of human potential. In this group - 23 countries.

Let's notice that the USSR in that rating last years of its existence occupied the 50th place, while countries of Eastern Europe, such as GDR, Hungary and Czechoslovakia were in the rating even higher, than the Soviet Union - obviously, oppression from outside "empires of evil" manifested itself. However, these countries in the present rating (even Romania and Bulgaria) again appeared above, than the Russian Federation. But the maximum rating - the 36th place occupied by Czechia - nevertheless considerably gives way to the times of the developed socialism.

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