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A Mosque in Yaroslavl Was Pelted with "Molotov's Cocktail" in the Beginning of Ramazan

A Mosque in Yaroslavl Was Pelted with "Molotov's Cocktail" in the Beginning of Ramazan

Sacred month Ramazan has started for all Russian Moslems. All this time it’s forbidden to drink, to eat and to smoke from a dawn up to a decline. Within 30 days of post all believers are obliged to pray five times day and spiritually self-improve. To be generous, fair, to forgive insults, to feel pity for everyone who is near. However for the Russian Moslems the beginning of a holiday was overclouded by a strange and not quite understandable event: an attack on a mosque was committed in Yaroslavl - unknown people threw in it with bottles with incendiary.

Sacred month Ramazan has started for all Russian Moslems. All this time it’s forbidden to drink, to eat and to smoke from a dawn up to a decline. Within 30 days of post all believers are obliged to pray five times day and spiritually self-improve. To be generous, fair, to forgive insults, to feel pity for everyone who is near.

Ramazan will end on the 23rd of October by three-days holiday of first meal after the fast.

However for the Russian Moslems the beginning of a holiday was overclouded by a strange and not quite understandable event: an attack on a mosque was committed in Yaroslavl. As Chairman of the Islamic religious organization of Moslems of Yaroslavl Kury Halimov informed, unknown people threw in it with bottles with incendiary. "Approximately shortly after 12 p.m. the group of unknown people began to beat out glasses of a mosque, a minaret, after that the bottles with incendiary were thrown into the temple", - the head of Association of Muslim journalists of Russia Radik Amirov referring to the imam-hatib of Jami of Yaroslavl Rustam Batrov told to RIA News.

There was a night service held in the mosque by the time, therefore there were parishioners there. Fortunately, nobody suffered as a result of incident - bottles with combustible substance got stuck between frames of windows and did not blow up. According to Halimov, those who attacked threw stones into the windows and cars parked in a court yard of the mosque.

Rather powerful organized criminal communities including ethnic operate today In Yaroslavl. It’s hardly possible that application of "Molotov’s cocktail" could be done without participation of local criminals. It is in powers of organized criminal communities to play out “kondopozhsky” scenario with "national indignation" during the process of repartition of property and spheres of influence quite, but it’s hardly the task for any local nationalist organizations - if some of them are not associate structures.

In any case one can hardly believe in "accident" of similar events, in their "spontaneity", etc. And, as always, nothing was known to militia in advance, nobody of those who attacked was arrested...

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