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National-bolsheviks Captured the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

National-bolsheviks Captured the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Just now (about 20 minutes ago) the group of national-bolsheviks consisting of 50 people captured a building of the Ministry of Finance of Russiaon Ilyinka, 9.

Three floors of the building are occupied; part of national-bolsheviks holds a meeting outside. Participants of the action demand to return to citizens of Russia the savings lost as a result of "shock therapy" of the beginning of ninetieth.

National-bolsheviks dug in inside and outside of the ministry by means of chains. Financial documents and leaflets of National Bolsheviks Party fly out of the windows. Security of the ministry maintained no resistance.

National-bolsheviks shout slogans:

"Return savings to people, cattle!"

"Money to people – officials are aliens!"

"Kudrin, pay money!"

ОМОN came. FORUM.msk will follow the development of the events.

Text of the leaflet:«RETURN MONEY TO PEOPLE, CATTLE!On the 21st of August, 2006 the payment of the Russian debts to the Parisian club of creditors was officially finished. It was presented as a great triumph of Putin’s policy: Russia paid off an external debt! Germany, France, Italy, the USA and other countries received billions dollars. While Russian citizens received nuts.

Except for an external debt the Russian Federation has an internal debt. 70 million citizens of Russia lost their labour savings as a result of "shock therapy" of 1991-1992. Total sum of the lost contributions is – 216 billion roubles. On the average losses per family made up 8-9 thousand roubles. These are full-weight Soviet roubles, it’s possible by the time to by a car “Lada” at the price of 6000 roubles and cooperative flat in Moscow at the price of 12000 roubles. Actually it was a robbery of people.

On the 10th of May, 1995 the Federal law № 73-F3 passed “About restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation" according to which all savings of citizens placed on contributions on the deposits of Sberbank of the Russian Federation till the 20th of June, 1991 were recognized as state internal debt. The state undertook obligation to pay off with citizens.

All these promises on practice turned out to be a deceit. People get pity pennies as indemnifications. What means today 1000 roubles?! Second-hand mobile phone.

All’s well if the state would not have money but it has owing to out-of-limit prices for oil. The Russian Federation paid external debts in advance (notwithstanding the fact that creditors did not insist at all). Why they hurried to pay to the foreigners and citizens of Russia are - the last in turn?National Bolshevik Party demands from the President and government of the RF real, not fictitious compensation of savings to citizens of Russia lost in 1992.

National Bolshevik Party demands immediate and fair fulfillment of the Federal Law of the 10th of May, 1995 “About restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation”.

National Bolshevik Party demands recognition of priority of internal debt over external. Firstly, to provide welfare of own citizens, then to pay external debts.

National Bolshevik Party appeals to citizens of Russia to support our lawful demands by active operations. It’s necessary to restore justice!

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