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A Bear Pressed the Throat of Its Own "Flashing Lights"

A Bear Pressed the Throat of Its Own "Flashing Lights"
Alexander Magidovich 21.09.2006

On September, 18th, the leadership of "edinorossy" of the State Duma publicly refused use of "flashing lights" established on their official cars. The speaker of the Lower Chamber Boris Gryzlov together with five chairmen publicly dismantled flashing beacons from state "BMW" and "Audi". As a following step edinorossy suggest to reduce considerably a number of people for the sake of whose cortege state traffic inspectors regularly block movement on the basic highways. Besides party members call to assign to the State Duma the right to approve Traffic Rules. Generally speaking, show in style of “National Socialist Labour Party of Germany – is the best friend and defender of the Jews”.

Just yesterday, on entrance of crossing of the Ring motorway with Rublevka I waited for an hour and a half in a traditional four-kilometer traffic jam which is formed when the next "dearly loved" deigns to come back from the state works to country pleasures. It was then when I fell into a muse, whether a lot of people among those who were there were true voters of "Edinaya Russia" and personally V.V.Putin.

Solidary actions of automobilist forced "putin’s Russia" became strongly tense – protest were directed against them: firstly against unjust trial on Scherbinsky, the driver whose car was rammed by the car of the dead Altay governor; then against prohibition of the use of light signals of "not that" color; and, at last, against those very "flashing lights".

Now let’s recollect the newest history, or else everybody hold us for "Ivans who don’t remember kinship".

"Edinorrosy" started talking about passing of changes in "Traffic Rules" through parliament. In fact several years ago Traffic Rules were accepted as a law, through the State Duma. It was the majority of "edinorossy" transferred that function completely to a payoff to the government. Now suddenly they started talking about "national discussion".

Whether they are not ashamed? In fact to make amendments into Traffic Rules using referendum is simply unreal, and everyone, even not very advanced citizen understands that behind this phrase there’s nothing except for desire to be liked by the voter. Meanwhile carrying out of Traffic Rules through the Duma is natural enough, it is done in similar way almost all over the world. Only we, from presentation of "bears", act differently.

Now about the problem of overlapping of highways for special corteges. Before V.V.Putin's coming into power and creation "for him" of the party "Edinaya Russia", the list of officials for whom the highways were blocked was limited by the president, the prime minister and the chapter of Administration of the president. It was forbidden to block anything for anyone - it is was an echo of old democratic "struggle against privileges". Moreover, even the state securities were supposed to a rather limited circle of people - thus, for example, the speaker of the Duma had security while his chairman – no.

Today highways are being blocked not only for vice-premiers, but also for federal ministers and heads of separate departments. Even governors got into the habit blocking the roads. Securities are more numerous than the number of soldiers in the acting army.

Who let such state of things that "exclusive" figures of the nomenclature of former times never dreamt of?

Actually "flashing lights" on cars of the leaders of the parliament hung particularly during new times. As long as I remember the speaker Seleznev complained that they had to go in "Volga" which broke constantly. Now expensive German cars drive without fail.

Where to hurry up to? Whether he is a fireman? May be deputies don’t need privileges at all, pure swag instead of duty to Motherland.

Within the nearest month cars of edinorossy as well as the cars of their colleagues on parliament will lose also special license plates with a banner in the corner (federal numbers). Probably, it is right but whether "bears" will dare to make an attempt upon precisely same license plates of high-ranking officials of the government and Administration of the president? What about "criminal" series like "ЕКH" which violations of Traffic Rules always remains unpunished even if it takes place near by Traffic Police inspector? Elsewhere it’s somewhat strange to accept as federal law changes in Traffic Rules if these very Traffic Rules are not obligatory for fulfillment of all citizens but only to the “shims” (who vote for “Edinaya Russia”)?

As a whole as PR initiative of “bears” is quite fortunate and suits well-known formula of doctor Gebbels according to which a lie should be outrageous so that it will be believed.

From editorial staff: It’s quite interesting that "Edinaya Russia" acts as "opposition to itself" – that is it gets initiatives of the real opposition directed against it and tries to realize it. 

So, for example, already on the 4th of April of this year in news agency "Interfax" joint press conference of the first vice-president of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Ivan Melnikov, the leader of the Republican party Vladimir Ryzhkov and the leader of National movement of automobilist "Freedom of a Choice" of Vyacheslav Lysakov on a theme: "How Many "Flashing Lights" Will Remain in Russia? Destiny of Aternative Bills" took place.

Vladimir Ryzhkov told that public initiatives for cancelling of special signals of the high-ranking officials recently became more active. In many respects the reason for it became so-called "case of Scherbinsky" showed impunity of officials on the roads.

The settlement of this problem, according to deputy Ryzhkov, is expressed in the project of the Federal law "About Modification of the Federal Law About Safety of Traffic" which was brought by a group of deputies of the State Duma.

The bill practically forbids the use of "flashing lights" and special numbers. Such right will be given only to the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government, the Chairman of Council of Federation, the Chairman of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court and the General Public Prosecutor of Russia.

"The essence of our bill - eight flashing lights all over the country. We proceed from the fact that everyone knows all these people by sight, - and nobody will have doubts who is in the car. Thus special signals will be impossible to duplicate and sell. Yesterday our bill was brought into the State Duma", - Vladimir Ryzhkov declared.

In his turn Ivan Melnikov noticed that signatures under the bill about «eight flashing lights» were put already by nineteen deputies of fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the number of signatures would be increased in the process of returning of deputies-communists from regions.

The first vice-president of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation told in details about motives of support of the given bill: "During the meetings with citizens across Russia and especially during election campaign in the Moscow municipal Duma - questions of organization of traffic sounded quite sharply. First of all - people are alarmed by the problems of traffic jams and safety. We always said, repeat and declare today: the communists have a program aimed at the settlement of these problems. Here you are a number of interconnected measures.

It is planning of housing construction in coordination with opportunities for parking and throughput of roads. It is also an experiment on introduction of one-way traffic with sharp increase of quantity of outcomes, underground transitions. It is a prohibition of parking on traffic way with introduction of municipal instead of commercial parking. It is a repair of roads with maximal concentration of resources on one site - for faster end of work, mainly at night or in the days off. It is a limitation of traffic not only in the center but also on the main roads.

At last, it’s sharp reduction of quantity of people with special signals, flashing lights. The given bill brought by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation together with independent deputies is - our first step for realization of this program. We want to cut off those who wish to enjoy advantages of movement unreasonably, that toughening and aggravating three sharp problems: a problem of culture of movement, a problem of traffic jams, a problem of accidents.

If you want, cars with special signals is a certain metaphor, a trope of that injustice which is cultivated by authority both in politics and economy, as well as in social sphere.

In the whole we are against any privileges which include also "flashing lights". We think that the state should give to the official only that really helps him to do the work more effectively. All elements of "prestige", "importance" and "singularity" should be excluded», - Melnikov announced.

Deputies Ivan Melnikov and Vladimir Ryzhkov said that the bill about “eight flashing lights” will compete with another initiative – initiative of “Edinaya Russia” to reduce a number of “flashing lights” to one thousand pieces.

The leader of the movement of automobilist Vyacheslav Lysakov declared that the bill of "Edinaya Russia" is as a matter of fact imitating and will not solve a problem. "What "Edinaya Russia" does is similar to struggle of bees against honey", - Lysakov noticed and addressed the deputy corpse with the request to support the bill which was presented to the journalists by Vladimir Ryzhkov and Ivan Melnikov.

On a question of correspondents about prospects of passing of the bill "about eight flashing lights" all participants of press conference expressed common opinion: the bill will have a chance only in case if there will be pressure upon authority from the part of a society. In this connection Ivan Melnikov promised that at consideration of the bill an active and supporters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will be connected to protest actions.

Let's note also that among authors of the bill about reduction of a number of "flashing lights" up to eight –the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov who as the head of fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma today has the right to use special signals.

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