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Andrey Kozlov - the Vice-President of the Board of Central Bank - Is Murdered in Moscow

Andrey Kozlov - the Vice-President of the Board of Central Bank - Is Murdered in Moscow
On September, 14th, in the morning the Vice-President of Central Bank of Russia Andrey Kozlov died in the 33-rd city hospital. It happened 5:30 a.m. of Moscow time. According to the preliminary data of the Office of Public Prosecutor of the capital, the attempt was committed with application of the automatic weapon. The Office of Public Prosecutor of Moscow brought a case before a court under articles 30 of Criminal Code (" attempted murder ") and 105 of Criminal Code ("murder").

From editorial staff: This the first in the history of Russia attempt on the civil employee of such level. There are no doubts that A.Kozlov's activity in the rank of the Vice-President of Central Bank was the reason of the murder.

As we already wrote, our state – is for a long time not ours. Strictly speaking, there is no state, in general. It is an object of absorption of different "criminal outfits" such as petrol stations and vodka distilleries. We wrote about it absolutely in other occasion – the death of the assistant to the head of the Central Bank of the hand of hired murderers only confirmed that disappointing conclusion.

"Andrey Kozlov was directly engaged in reform of bank system, - Michael Delyagin considers, - which, in particular, provided closing of "gangster", "dirty" banks, that in itself could be the reason for the murder".

- But, - M.Delyagin believes, - recently Central Bank became an opaque structure and opacity always entails serious danger to employees. And A.Kozlov personally was the order fairer than many. As an example it is possible to draw that fact that he was the actual author of State Treasury Bills, but all dirt which accompanied further events around the bills didn’t stick to his name. He could be reproached that he was one of the "reformers", to speak about his lack of competence, but even his ill-wishers did not doubt in his decency. Actually, his physical elimination also could be a consequence of his decency, i.e. obstinacy, including in connection with criminal structures".


Andrey Andreevich Kozlov began his career in 1989 from a modest post of the economist of currency - economic department of the State Bank of the USSR where he came right after the graduation from Moscow Financial Institute. Was the Head of department of valuable securities of the Central Bank, the Vice-President of the Central Bank. Is one of the authors of idea of covering of budgetary deficiency due to loans in a home market (the market of State Treasury Bills).

From October, 1997 to January, 1999 administered sector of banking supervision in Bank of Russia.

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