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In the Threshold of 2008 the Kremlin Security-Officials Are Consolidating around "Rosneft"

In the Threshold of 2008 the Kremlin Security-Officials Are Consolidating around "Rosneft"
Roeva Natalya 15.09.2006

As it was already informed, Andrey Patrushev, the son of the Head of FSB Nikolay Patrushev, is appointed as the Adviser of Chairman of Board of Directors "Rosneft" belonged to Igor Sechin occupying also a post of the Assistant of the Head of the Kremlin administration. Andrey Patrushev is 25 years old. Three years ago he graduated from Academy of FSB where his classmate was Paul Fradkov, the younger son of the Prime Minister Michael Fradkov. Till now A.Patrushev served as the deputy chief of the 9-th department of management "I" - "Industry". In FSB this department is also called "oil".

It is remarkable that the senior brother of A.Patrushev Dmitry works in Vneshtorgbank where he is responsible for crediting of the oil companies. As mass-media notes, A.Patrushev's assignment took place on a background of gossips about forthcoming privatization of "Rosneft" and on a new turn of apparatus struggle among the nearest environment of Vladimir Putin. Several days ago on the meeting with the western political scientists the assistant to president Igor Shuvalov, a man from the team of Alexander Voloshin and Alexander Mamut, specified that from his point of view there’s a danger of privatization of the rest of the state package of "Rosneft" in interests of a power wing in the Kremlin. In particular, Shuvalov frightened the West by merging of so-called "power oligarchy" with oil business.

Besides Shuvalov appealed to the USA during forthcoming meeting in October between Putin and Bush to give green light to the introduction of Russia into the World trading organization – WTO, "FORUM.msk" already informed recently about it. So, in particular, Shuvalov declared to foreign political scientists that if an arrangement about introduction of Russia in WTO wouldn’t be achieved, it could lead to a general victory of the Kremlin security-officials over liberals. Making comments on vicissitudes around of A.Patrushev's new appointment, privatization of "Rosneft" and negotiations on WTO question, political scientist Vladimir Filin noted: "Coming of the son of Patrushev to "Rosneft" as Adviser of Igor Sechin is not only a delicate question of personal relations between the Head of FSB and the Chief of the Kremlin office, but also an obvious symptom that after dismissal of Vladimir Ustinov from the post of tje State Office of Public Prosecutor the power wing of the Kremlin had started, at last, political reconsolidation before 2008. The ultimate target of reconsolidation is - to induce Vladimir Putin to remain for the third term that would allow for some time to keep general stability and balance of forces and influences developed in the Kremlin.

As to privatization of "Rosneft" within one year, it is quite possible. At that participation in privatization, probably, will be accepted not only by security-officials and management of the company, but also by large foreign oil-and-gas and investment companies from the Great Britain, China, India, Brazil, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates. Rather accelerated introduction of Russia into WTO, I can tell that more and more opponents of such hasty step appear among people of authority. Especially it became obvious after the statement made by management of Council of the USA about export of fowl and eggs which tried to dictate, what principles the government of Russia should follow while carrying out internal administration of import quotas on meat and also specify, which foreign trade companies, suitable the USA, is necessary to give individual preferences.

At the same time the lobby insisting on joining of Russiato WTO at any cost - Medvedev, Shuvalov, Kudrin, Gref, Abramovich, Voloshin, Mardashov - remains rather influential and also does not stay idle. In any case here everything will become clear in October after Putin and Bush's meeting. In the meantime British "Independent" Mary Dezhevski published an article under the name "Russia Wants to Sell out 100% Shares of “Rosneft” in which referring to Igor Shuvalov (who is, to tell you the truth, not mentioned by his name) she expose the version addressed to the West of the Kremlin liberals concerning possible privatization of the state oil company. This article in translation of Inopress" we bring to the attention of readers.

"Rosneft", the state Russian oil company, which carried out last summer contradictory IPO at London stock exchange, should be privatized up to 100%, the high-ranking Moscow official declared yesterday. On conditions of anonymity the Kremlin official occupying high position informed that though it did not enter into initial intentions, now it is the most preferable variant for "Rosneft". The company, he announced, should be privatized up to 100% within one year. Though specified terms seem to be extremely improbable - only 15% of the company are sold to the present moment and the rest 85% can be appreciated in 68 billion dollars, - an intention is clear.

According to the official, the Kremlin’s going to keep in a state ownership controlling block of shares of "Gazprom" and monopoly for power export of Russia. However the idea consists in promoting the greater competition at home market so that large, medium and small companies compete for the consumers. Completely privatized "Rosneft" can become a leader of such policy. The official acknowledged that it is a change of strategy.

It was supposed earlier that controlling block of shares of "Rosneft" will go to "Gazprom" which will use it as its division for export of the Russian oil. The official answered questions of the international group of scientists and journalists. But when "Rosneft" got the rests of the company of Michael Hodorkovsky YUKOS at the dumping price, the Kremlin understood that the primary plan was unacceptable - that absorption of "Rosneft" by "Gazprom" was unacceptable neither from economic, nor from political point of view not only because now it was becaming larger company but also because of doubtful circumstances - Khodorkovsky's arrest on charges in non-payment of taxes which was considered by many as political step with purpose of suppressing of a businessman who was becoming more and more influential.

Emphasizing that "Gazprom" can remain mainly in a state ownership and has monopoly for power export, the Kremlin official also declared that the president Putin’s not going to lose control that’s considered to be the most important strategic actives. The same approach will be applied to a motor-car manufacturer "Autovaz" and, probably, in the sphere of shipping. Besides yesterday was found out that the European countries buying the Russian gas through "Gazprom" can face in not so far future the increase of prices. The high-ranking Russian economist declared that the last half-year consumption of the Russian energy sharply grown and home market of Russia, as a matter of fact, can become the competitor to the European market and other consumers. Though it was stressed that already signed arrangements would be observed when the necessity of their prolongation would appear, the prices, probably, would be increased and conditions could also be considerably changed.
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